Nearly said sod it

1 minute read time.

Sorry i ant been on here as much as i would have liked but the pain from the Radio Therapy is really really excruiating all i seem to want to do is sleep, and as i am off solid foods at the moment and only drinking my energy levels are dwindling i drink food suppliment shakes when i can keep em down.

My Oncologist doesnt seem to inspire me to carry on, but early last week i was really really down and ready for kicking it in the head, being in constant pain and feeling sick, with a very high metallic taste i was at my witts end, everytime i lay down i felt sick. its not the eating that is bugging me, its the taste of the food i can eat being the same.

They have given me some anti sickness pills that melt on your tongue, i will carry o with it am sure but it seems to me that the research needs to find something that can take the meatallic taste away, if they can do that then it would make the treatment more bearable.

Being without strength and very very fatigued isnt the problem its the goddam taste and lack of taste too.

I have tried every type of drink fizzy and still types the one with a little taste is the Liptonice Peach tea, that seems to be the only one that gives me a respite from the metallic taste, also the best mouthwash i have found is Bicarbonate of Soda in warm water swilled and gargled 3 or 4 times a day its softer than the ones they give you at the hospital, different things seems to work better for different people.

When i write my journal i am going to include things that helped me they may not help others but they can always try em out


ps 20 down 14 to go (2nd phase starts Monday roll on 24th Feb)

  • FormerMember

    Sorry you are having such a hard time Al but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The metallic taste is awful and as you say, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. I found that pineapple juice, tomato soup and baked beans did the trick. It's worth a try!

           Hang in there,

              Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Have you tried plastic cutlery . I have heard it works for some people , I for one . You can only give it a try & see what happens !

  • FormerMember

    Hi am new on the blog, but have just completed 4 cycles of chemo and found certain things did help - like taking drugs at different times. My first treatment, with epirubicin and cyclophoshpamine was just like a total toxic shock - no sleep or eating for a week, agonising pain from constipation, constant trembling and feeling like death. I looked in detail at all the side effects of the steroids and anti sickness pills and realised the ondansetron was causing the constipation. I ate a dozen oranges, ditched the ondansetron and have had no problems. Then I realised the steroids had the side effect of insomnia, so I took them at 5am, 11am and 3pm. The other anti sickness pills, cyclazine, caused drowsiness, so I took them at 1pm, 5pm and 10pm. The bliss of a nights sleep!!!  Foods I found that help include natural yogurt, nuts and fruit. Taste still affected, but easier on the sore mouth.

    All sounds wonderful - but all the other side effects continue - and I have liver mets so I face lots more chemo. Such is life, but it is better than the alternative.


  • FormerMember

    Don't forget chemo is poison. My onc said I am going to get enough poison in you without killing you. Speaks volumes. Bound to feel a bit rough.

    Keep smiling


  • FormerMember

    hi janet

    i have liver mets as well but no primary found side effects of eperubicine are awful im on oxiplaitin as well and tablets twice a day for the whole 18 weeks chemo  intravenously is administered every 3 weeks so really have no break from the poison as drew says we will get by and we will be strong my friend has a great saying we are living with cancer not dying from it so true and such great strength xxxxx