3 weeks in to treatment and really struggling

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I am new to the forum so firstly to introduce myself. I am 52 and was diagnosed with HPV positive squamous cell carcinoma in 3 lymph nodes but the primary was not found. They took my tonsils out when they did the biopsy and are working on basis the primary was base of tounge. 
I have done three weeks of radiotherapy and 3 cycles of chemo. I have been told the radio therapy is the most important treatment. The chemo just adds a little extra to it. 
I am now really struggling and can’t really face another chemo session. It worsens the side effects and makes me feel dreadful. My mouth is so sore and my throat so painful like glass and sandpaper. I dread eating it’s such a horrible experience. 
I just don’t know how to get through the next three weeks of treatment. 
I do have a tummy peg and having me using to take meds as they make me vomit if I take them orally. Not started using for food yet. Need to discuss with the team this week. 

  • Im so sorry you are struggling with your treatment. It sounds really hard. I hope your team can offer some helpful suggestions. I struggle with food too due to taste changes, but my mouth and throat are not sore, thankfully. I do hope this will improve for you soon. Take care and I’m praying you will find the strength to continue with chemo. 

  • Hi Peppermint, I expect by now your treatment has just finished. I hope you were able to obtain good pain relief for the sickness and also the sore mouth and throat. 
    I had the same treatment for T4 tumour in my tonsil, it had spread to the surrounding tissue so had a good old blast of radiation- finished last April.

  • Whoops, sorry pressed send too soon! I also had aPEG which was invaluable as I could take all my meds through it as well as nutrition. You’ll possibly feel a bit worse the first couple of weeks after treatment finishes, but things will definitely improve in time so hang on to that thought, that you will feel better eventually and your sore mouth and throat will get better too.

  • And again, I was also swishing my mouth with a rinse of salt and bicarbonate of soda in water, several times a day.      Best wishes, Laura.