Bertie Bassetts Journey through AML

1 minute read time.
We were on a much needed holiday when we got our first clue that all was not well. Bert had had Bronchitis all through our holiday and against his better judgement he went to see the Dr the day we were due to fly home. The Dr in Turkey was amazing done loads of tests and told us after only 45 mins we were told that his white cell count was really low at 1.2 and that we were to see a Dr on our arrival home. He was admitted on the 15th of September and we were given the diagnosis on the 18th the day after his 56th birthday. His count dropped rapidly to 0.1 in a couple of days but then stopped at that. The Dr had told us that his chemo would start the following week. However she changed her mind, and sent him home after 2 weeks of antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals, which was just as well as I developed Laryngitis and a chest infection. I was amazed that he never got any infection. We went to the out patient clinic 2 weeks later and were told he was stable to come back in 2 weeks. on our return we were told he had to be admitted on Mon 2nd Nov despite the fact that his blood was still stable and he was to be starten on Chemo on Tue 3rd. The 1st lot of chemo mad him look dreadful I was not expecting that. However, he did look a little better the next day although he was very breathless and had tracking up his arm where the chemo had been put in. But all of that turned out to be ok. Here we are on day 4 gutted to find out that his brothers are not match for Bone Marrow, that left him feeling very upset and down in the dumps. So we will see what tomorrow brings Goodnight
  • FormerMember

    Hi Debbie I am now back in the cool bedroom as Bert is back in hospital it was nice to have him home despite the sauna and me burning the dinner . the brave soul ate it without a word of complaint (more fool him) I had the soup and sweet. His Neutrophils are at 0.7 and Hb at 9.6 so its no wonder he was so cold he will be neutropenic by tomorrow and they said  he will need a top up of blood fairly soon too. He feels fine but looks fairly grey in colour but I assume that is quite normal. I'm Glad you all had a good time I guess your brothers wife will be away back home now , you will miss her.

    I will drop you  an email later I did not sleep much while Bert was home they tell you to take his temp twice daily but because he was so cold I was paranoid when we got him home it was 34.9 we managed to get it to come up to 35.6 but that was him wrapped in a blanket and with a hat on. It gave us a laugh to see him all wrapped up like that while we were wandering about in vest tops

    Take care

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teri, so the heatringis turned down and Bert is back in hospital, and I hope he is doing OK! Hb is not too bad,, as you say his counts are on the way down. His temperature certainly was low, he must have been really cold! You will have to look around for thermal PJs, long johns etc., although with the cold snap no dount they have all been withdrawn from the sales. You are right, one day you will all laugh at the various states of dress and undress in your house, I hope you have some pictures are evidence. I trust you can catch up on your sleep now Bert is back in hospital, although I expect you are back at work?

    Once again, all the very best to you all, look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Love Debbie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Teri,

    How was Bert today. I know you have been with him all day as you said in your email. I hope he feels ok today.

    Is he managing to sleep and eat ok.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Binnie he was fine this morning but not feeling too well this afternoon hi white cell count is zero and he needed some platelets today he is also needing blood but it will be tomorrow (I think) before he gets that. He slept for quite a while as he tends to do at this stage but he was also quite weepy tonight ad he does look a strange colour but I suppose that is all normal and hope he will be a bit better when he gets his transfusion. He is eating but under protest says everything tastes the same.

    What about your mum have you heard anything yet

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Nothing much happening at the moment, the Consultant has changed his mind and is now considering another PICC line ans Berts veins have just about had enough and he keeps bleeding, they all seem to contradict each other so its hard to know what is going on. Bert never got any blood today so I guess his Hb is not as low as I thought either that or they are waiting for the PICC. maybe tomorrow we will know something more definate. His mood was better today and he felt better all round so that was good news

    Well take care will speak soon

    Love Teri