
1 minute read time.

Over the course of that day and the next I realised the extent of the changes in my husband.  By the Monday he was exhibiting borderline psychotic behaviour.  He was manic angry confused and controlling and I do not mean a little. I was in no way prepared for this.   I have one question? Why didn't someone warn me of the potential side effects of a high dose of dexamethasone.  On the upside trying to find out what was going on led me to this site.  

Tuesday morning first appointment with the oncologist, I couldn't wait I had so many questions and I felt I was in over my head I needed some help.  I called the Macmillan nurse as suggested by some kind soul on this site and explained that I would like a quick word if possible before the appointment regarding Karls side effects as to try and say anything in front of him risked his behaviour escalating as I had already discovered.  This was done and I hoped they had listened to me, I knew about the dexamethasone side effects now but I felt they may not be responsible for all the confusion but certainly the mania and anger.  For several days now he (and therefore I ) had been surviving on 2 - 3 hours sleep per night. 

The appointment was awful, they may have listened but not well enough I think.  They seemed shocked when my normally mild mannered and gentle beautiful husband of 20 plus years started started saying inappropriate things and telling the oncologist to fuck off and shut up because she was asking all the wrong questions.
