Grrr! A rant on St George's Day

1 minute read time.

To all those people who have professed sympathy and understanding of my situation by saying, "Oh, remember, I do know what you are going through because I went through this with 2 friends, my aunty's rabbits, Great Uncle Sergei the Meerkat....." I would like to say the following.

No, you don't know. You absolutely do not know. You may have some insight, but you have not been where I'm standing so don't claim otherwise. And don't give me good advice by telling me that Uncle Sergei chose not to have further treatment and wasn't he wise. And this is what you think. Because it doesn't help. It just disappoints me and makes me wonder why I thought you were a friend or friends of mine. 

And yes, I am very very angry. You've guessed!!!!

I had emailed a 'friend' last week, updating her on the latest happenings in my husband's situation. I was a bit surprised it took her a while to respond and when she did, she went on about stuff to do with buying her house. Of course I'm interested in what my friends are up to. I'm not so selfish that I want to go on about me all the time, but right at the moment, it is difficult and I'm treacle-wading, though slowly plodding on, thanks to my lovely Mac friends and the nice lady at Maggie's and lovely neighbours. So I do not take kindly to being given details about stuff  I couldn't give a monkey's about, when actually what I need is some listening, some hugs, some gentle ideas and someone to just hold my hand a bit.

Phew! Thanks guys. That's better. I am now going to get out my T'ai Chi sabre and do some sabre practice and enjoy it.

Any dragons out there? I'll come and chop off their heads. It's scary old bat time.

Little Jen

  • FormerMember


    I am sorry, that doesnt read very well after your message to JMD. Apolgies



  • FormerMember

    Wouldn't it be nice if a friend or friends could just say, "I dont under stand how you feel, how could I? but I do care" with a hug real or virtual, just something I always think, but alas it doesn't happen very often, unless they have walked in our shoes they wouldn't know, how could they? xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Respect -

    Please do not apologise. I wanted to know how you are as I know you have been through so much, yourself, recently. You are a very very brave lady. I take my hat off to you whizzing off in your Campervan. Glad you took the bottle of wine!

    I smiled when you mentioned talking to the dogs. My lurcher is losing hair round his neck where I keep hugging him.

    Keep in touch.

    Little Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Well, you did it! Yay! See? It was ok wasn't it having a rant, and look at all the lovely people you got to chat to! Growl away my lovely Little Jen...

    I said it all elsewhere so nothing more to add...  and you've got those lovely lovely ladies round your table and they are something else! You are in good hands.

    Anyway, you know where to find me warrior woman...

    And here's an extra hug xxx

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jax

    You are so right. I must try to be easy on the pesky friends, because they really can't know what it's like. That's not their fault. I just wish they wouldn't claim otherwise. That's why it's so amazing when you do get the moments of out-of-the-blue kindness from folks you've not previously thought of as friends. A man up the road who runs his own catering business offered to come and make a special meal for husband and me whenever we want. The man wasn't to know that actually, husband's greatest treat is a small bowl of porridge. Never mind, it was the offer that mattered.

    Take care of yourself. 

    Little Jen XX