Wednesday 9th August 2023

Less than one minute read time.

My local hospital are not able to perform the surgery. My cancer is complicated therfore I have been referred to a hospital four hours away where experience, resources and overall volume of this surgery is practised frequently.

My husband & I are travelling down later this afternoon & will stay in a hotel overnight as our appointment is at 9.35am

It will be good for us to have some time to talk as we are both scared. He is trying to be strong for me and both of us trying to be strong for our family. It’s been a lot to date

I am mindful that I begin to withdraw when I am worried so trying to keep communication open and hanging onto every possibility that this surgery will free me from this darkness that has followed me for too long.

I will be cancer free.

Sharon x

P.S Hope they give me a date for surgery during the meet & greet tomorrow.
