anti sickness my eyeball!

  • woMEN- oh!-Pause...

    woMEN- oh!-Pause...

    Why is it not womenopause instead of menopause?

    At 28, the menopause and its phraseology is not something that would normally bother me, yet here I am surfing the internet looking for ways and means to quell the constant flash of hot flushes.

    I am in the middle of the menopause (well at the start really, but you get my drift).
    Tamoxifen has hijacked me, kidnapped me into a scenario that is…
  • Radio T...So help me!

    Radio T...So help me!

    In comparison to hugging the puke bucket that was my constant companion during my chemotherapy, Radiotherapy is like breezy fluffy white clouds on a warm spring day, I would stretch to say that it is almost easy...Almost.
    If daily trips to the hospital at 8.30 in the morning every morning, stripping off semi naked and clambering onto a bed that may double as a torture devise is your cup…
  • Mount Everest...the end is nigh?

    Mount Everest....the end is nigh?

    Last chemo session, I can't believe I've made it.

    I practically skip into the cancer centre...practically, but not actually!
    I think about the day ahead, the waiting, the tests, The Chair (with supposed flip back action, remote control television, special call button and attachable light...usually most if not all of these added extra features are broken!), the final session…
  • Bah Christmas-Cancer-Humbug!


    Tis the season to be jolly. Mince pies, christmas pudding, chocolates, cakes, buns, biscuits, caramel treats....all sorts of lovliness. Pity I feel like barfing.


    December and I feel Scroogie. I'm having a major Scroogie moment where all I want to do is banish Tiny Tim to the cold store and ration his lumps of coal to just one. Bah Humbug!


    In the library the other day, I hesitated in taking my hat off - what…

  • The Baby Question




    What seems like a million years ago, I was confronted with the decision of choosing between surgery or chemotherapy as the first step on this thing called my cancer journey. The choice was put forward to allow me to decide about babies.
    I could start with surgery and have a window of a few weeks to make decisions about harvesting eggs, stimulating oestrogen and doing some further potential damage to my hormones. I…