anti sickness my eyeball!

  • Wayward...


    I get one extra week to recover post surgery and I decide to eat!
    Every chemo session I stress about those dreaded scales.
    'Up you go now, and we will weigh you.'
    Unlike a lot of women out there, each time I step on those blasted scales I'm prayin'.....please let my weight be up, please let it be up!
    I don't have a scales in my house, so I can only check every three weeks at the hospital…
  • Five simple words to ruin your day......

    Three chemo sessions down- three to go.
    Just when you think you have things sussed....I know not to eat for about twelve hours before my chemo, I know that anti sickness drugs dont work for me for the first 24 hours after my treatment. I know what songs are the best ones to hum in my head when they are pushing the drugs through the syringe. I know how many bucket bags to get ready for the puking sessions, I know…
  • I am Woman, hear me Roar (Squeak!)


    Sitting in chairs last week, waiting for my chemo, the only bald (female) person in the room and a smiley woman in her mid forties comes over.  She has dark grey hair, short and a little spiky, funky in a way, with retro sixties glasses perched resolutely on her nose.
    She kneels down beside my chair and I can practically hear all ears hone in on our conversation. This is a very polite waiting area, no…
  • A Hair Brain Idea!


    The hairdresser at the Cancer Centre said that my hair would begin to 'release' (fancy word for fall out in big, panicky chunks) around day 10-14 of my treatment. Those dates were engrained in my head. Day 10-14, Day 10-14, Day 10-14.


    From day five onwards, after my chemotherapy,  I check the pillow in the mornings and run my hands through my hair to count the folically challenged strands.  Nothing to report…

  • The Nose Knows Best!


    It's all about the nose at the moment.

    After my adventure to the hospital, I spent two days basically lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, too out of it to care about anything.

    A tumble weed was blowing in the bathroom, next to my 'products' shelf. I hadn't cleansed, toned or moisturised in days. I felt like a scaley vagrant, unwashed and unclean.  I hadn't washed my hair in days, though subconsciously…