Radio T...So help me!

3 minute read time.

Radio T...So help me!

In comparison to hugging the puke bucket that was my constant companion during my chemotherapy, Radiotherapy is like breezy fluffy white clouds on a warm spring day, I would stretch to say that it is almost easy...Almost.
If daily trips to the hospital at 8.30 in the morning every morning, stripping off semi naked and clambering onto a bed that may double as a torture devise is your cup of tea, then you should definitely give it a go.
I'm half way there, thirteen sessions done and the end is actually near. The end of what?
I'm not really sure. Everyone keeps congratulating me that Im almost done but it doesnt feel like it. Yes the treatment will be over but there is the genetics stuff, the reconstruction stuff, the tamoxifen stuff, the check up stuff.  All the stuff.
Just cause the treatment is finished doesn't mean that the big C is gone away and everything is better. Cancer is my constant companion now. I think of things differently, I spend a lot of time on line reading articles, reading the back of food labels, deep breathing, mentally checking my stress levels.
Right now, I spend a lot of time looking down at my chest, whipping off my hand crochetted snood (thanks Mary) and dropping my chin to my chest, having a good aul look. Checking the pinkness of my skin, checking for any cracks, anything that heralds the beginnings of radio t burns, lathering on aqueous cream. So far so good.
The only thing that is red really is me. Holy moley...its hot. Take off beanie hat, take off snood, take off cardigan, deep breaths, sweaty, hot, hot, sweaty, count to twenty in my head, breath, remember to breath - HOT FLUSH.
Every day, every night, any hour, in the middle of doing anything these pesky hot flushes can arrive and totally throw you off. This morning, in radio t, on the machine, chatting to the nurse, half naked I felt this wosh of heat, start in my chest, rush up my neck and ping into my cheeks. Instant sweat, not a slow gradual kind of sweat you get when exercising, instant roasting hot, as if Ive just run ten kilometer race. Im strapped onto the table and cant move (unless I piss off the scarey nurse), so I have to lie there, chatting pleasantly to the nice nurse as she draws x's and o'x on me, wondering if she notices Im melting,  beads of sweat forming on my upper lip, beads of sweat forming on my chest and neck. I feel like a snowman on a tropical island, immobile and particularly useless.
Finally I am released and sheepishly sit up on the table, the paper towels sticking to my sweaty patches.

So today so far:

  • Older ladies in the waiting room staring at my newly sprouting hair and bauld patches - check
  • Semi-nakedness - check
  • Awkward student nurse embarassed by my semi-nakedness and unsure where to look when she sees my scars - check
  • Kranky nurse sternly telling me not to move - check
  • Complete melting hot flush in middle of treatment - check
  • A sweaty retreat from radio therapy suite - check

................. and all before 9.45 am.

Mental pitstop at the bakery for creamy sticky toffee bun and large full fat cappuchino with tripple espresso shots on the way home from hospital - nah. I think I'll have a fruit smoothie and a rice cake with agave instead.... :(