An end ...... and a beginning

3 minute read time.

Have read many posts on the Mac site which echo what I've been feeling about Christmas & New Year.

It has been a strange and difficult time of year. It is still hard to come to terms with the fact that this time last year my dearly loved man was only just beginning his chemo and then everything came to an end in June. How can that be? How is it possible to gain some kind of perspective on everything that happened last year? What do I do with those memories, the memories of sheer gut-wringing pain and sadness and helplessness concerning how my man had to handle the very worst parts of his illness? Where do I put those flashbacks that can suddenly spring out on me in the middle of the night? How can everything be explained, given some validity and then left aside? I don't know. Nobody knows. The situation was what it was.

Strangely, I found some sort of help from reading the autobiography of Lt Buck Compton. He died this year, but was a member of Easy Company, whose experiences were told in The Band of Brothers series. Compton tried to explain the dreadful, really dreadful scenes he'd witnessed during WWII. He tried to deal with the guilt of being a survivor when so many of his good friends died. He concluded that there was no answer, no way of explaining what had happened. The situation was what it was, and life or death was often a matter of chance.

I have felt the deepest despair over the holiday period, the complete empty loneliness of being left behind and yearning for the presence of my man, the longing for the door to fling open noisily again, the sound of crazy laughter, the smile across the table, the squeeze of those oh so strong hands, the feeling of security, the snuggling up .......   need I say more? I have woken on a grey, wet morning wishing for the end to be near because life seems just a duty, without colour, without sharing, without easy laughter.

And then I could really get angry with myself. How dare I? My D would be so angry as would many folks on this site who are dealing with a diagnosis they never wanted. My situation is what it is, not one I wanted, of course not, but it is now my lot. And I could not wish for my D to be back, because that would be wrong. his Time was his Time.  And somehow, I must get through it. 

I have found that Christmas Day and New Year's Day are just days. We put too much importance on them. The anticipation of these days is worse than the days themselves. And imagining everyone is having a great family time living in their little bubbles isn't true. iI's a bit of a myth.

So I will carry on doing daft, crazy things and I won't apologise for what I do. And I will probably still get angry with couples I see who are badly behaved to each other. And I'm afraid I will get exasperated with stupid people who haven't a clue and say and do insensitive things. And when I'm stuck as to what to do, I'll think about how my D would react in the same situation. sometimes, he gives me inspiration. And of course, I'll carry him with me in my heart, because all those years count for something.

And I'll be grateful for the help and encouragement of my Mac friends, who understand without any explanation.

So - the end of the the very worst year of my life so far, and the beginning of a new year and I know not what. The very worst thing has happened so what have I got to lose............?

Hugs to all,

Little Jen XXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hello Lovely Jen,

    Oh gosh, I wrote  a load of stuff but it just didn't seem right somehow. Not for this blog. So I deleted it. 

    You are amazing, my lovely tall mountainous woman. You face what most of us bottle up and don't look at ever sometimes.Raw and painful as it is, you face it. Blimey you have courage.


    THe flashbacks ease somehow over time, but all that stuff about time doesn't help really because there is the fear and sadness of time removing you away from him and closeness and memories too, so all I will say for now, is you know where I am and keep on keeping on as that is all any of us can do.

    I'll be here polishing your armour and squeezing your hand when you need it and 2013 is going to be the year we meet in person ! I have decided that much for sure... :) The rest, well who knows, but we can face it cos we have already looked the dragon in the mouth and walked inside.And we are not alone.  Anything else is a walk in the park.

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jen

    Welcome home. You are right about Christmas and New Year, I spent both days home alone, but I actually enjoyed them, how sad is that! I missed my D so very much, but I can now add those two days to the list of Surviving! I can also say I have had much worse Christmas and New Year in the past!

    I have had a bit of a wallow, and survived that too. LM joined me on the stairs for a few minutes on Christmas Eve, just for the memories.  It didnt stop me missing my D so very much though.

    As I write I am trying to decide which is the best  thing I have learnt in this year that will help you now.

    I remember panicking after a few months when I thought I was forgetting him, but it didnt stop me from missing my D.

    In 3 weeks, it will be a year.  Now I am this end, I feel it has gone by at times quickly, other times not. It doesnt stop me from missing my D though.

    This old woman has learnt a lot. I even like my own company these days, and I know that what happens from here is totally in my hands, unless illness gets in the way, but even then it would be up to me as to how I handle it. It doesnt stop me missing my D though.

    You always start your posts angry, second part you seem to be working it out and at the end you have got it all sussed. Like the rest of us, we know in our hearts what we should be doing, but we also know its hard and it hurts.

     Like you nothing seems to stop me from missing my D though, but I have learnt to smile when I think of him, and get a warm feeling in side. I know he wont walk in the door, but I wish he would.

    I am not sure wether this will have helped you or not. I suppose it is all about me saying yes, I know some of how you feel, and as I am further on than you, perhaps give you just a little bit of hope,

    Its a hard road to travel along, but you are a very strong lady, you have spirit, and you know in your heart of hearts that you can do it. Its just that we miss them so very much.

    Sending you huge hugs for an amazing lady, who gets stronger by the day.

     One day soon you will realize how far you have come and how much you have grown as a person.

    Much love, and apologies for the ramble!







  • FormerMember

    Hi there, Little Jen - Big Warrior,

    It doesn't help to know that days like this are normal when you are grieving. All sorts of things trigger the anger and grief, But you are doing so well and with the help of your mac friends you will get through this.

    I remember when my wife died, so long ago, I used to get very angry and jealous when I saw couples walking down the street hand in hand. I so missed that, in fact I still do and the hugs, but the pain is less. When I'm feeling low I think back and give thanks because my wife helped to shape me as the man I am now as I'm sure your D has influenced you.

    It's going to be a struggle, but you are strong enough to get through this. And when you have these off days don't be so hard on yourself, remember they will pass and they will get less. We will always be here to hug you tight until you feel better.

    Here's to a great 2013,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Little Jen:

    Wish I could say or do something that would ease your pain and bring you comfort! HUGS, HUGS and more HUGS.


  • FormerMember

    Good morning Little Jen, I hope today you are feeling stronger with the help of those with wise words. I'm not really able to add anything but just wanted to send you huge but gentle hugs and a comforting hand squeeze.

    I sensed the real comfort that touch of a hand can give to others while visiting my elderly aunt in hospital yesterday.

    A cheery Happy New Year seems so inappropriate at times but I sincerely hope that 2013 is a good one for you an that you are able to carry on day to day with the comfort of all that you have shared with D. I have so many quotes from poems I found amongst Mum's paperwork going through my head but you've probably heard them all.

    Best leave it at that before you get exasperated with me.................

    Take care lovely lady