Advice Please... HELP !!

  • Help Please



    My dad has stage 4 bowel cancer, mets in liver and lungs.

    His chemo has failed, he has a stoma, and now he just finished 5 days intense radiotherapy.

    I cant bear to think of losing my dad, who is 72, but i fear the worst is nearer than ever.

    he has bravely fought his fight but i feel he is giving up due to all the set backs he has had.

    please somebody help me.


  • Please Help !!


    My 71 year old father was diagnosed with bowel cancer in September 2010, after further tests it was confirmed that the cancer had spread to his liver.

    Tomorrow, 20th Oct, he is having a stoma op. As yet because of his weakness he had been unable to start chemo.

    Does anybody else know of anybody that has been through this. I also hate to ask the question of fear of receiving the answer, but will my dad be here for Christmas…