Frustration and sadness all around

2 minute read time.

Where do I start?  He's mobile enough to help here and there a couple of times a day; but mostly just ambulatory enough to get in the way.  Often times, he thinks he is helping but is doing something just a bit silly that needs undoing and then doing properly.  He can't remember many things, nor say many things properly.  I get frustrated because half the time I don't know what he's on about, or I am just trying to ignore what he's saying so I don't start getting wound up.  He's frustrated because he can't seem to get anything right.

His symptoms are increasing each day and the wait to speak to oncologist next seems like an eternity, even though it's only two more days.  And what then?  I mean it isn't like the doctor is going to have some magical solution to the problem.  Maybe change him from dacarbazine to ipilimumab. 

I worry for the future, though I know I shouldn't.  But we are struggling so much now, I am scared of what will happen when it's worse than now.  It's already hard work for me, scary for the little ones, and depressing and frustrating for him.

I feel helpless and hopeless and sad today.  I so want to know what's around the bend - to prepare and sort and get ready as best as possible.  But there isn't an answer to that and I am unprepared and unaware of what's coming. 

I hate to actually admit this, but sometimes I think he is really playing things up.  Especially when his parents or brothers come round.  He preks up, wants to do housework (while they're here) wants to engage and walk about and make coffee and tea for everyone.  But when mates want to come to see him he says he can't; he isn't up to it, etc.  And when it's just the two of us he is asleep at least 50% of the time and is barely with it at all the rest of the time.  I shouldn't think these things.  I should just be glad he feels better when he sees his family members.  But I am feeling resentful today, among other things.

Another bad thought I have had a couple times this past month is that we have only been together for almost two years (2 years in November).  Things started breaking down a year ago, but we held on and tried to focus on resolving our issues.  Then 5 months ago this all starts.

All thw work I did to build this family up (before John) after such a traumatic experience in another place.  In the beginning John helped to strengthen the "new life" and really solidify a sense of stability and security.  And now this.  Slip-sliding backward.

I'm all over the place today.  Just want to crawl in bed and never come out.

  • FormerMember

    Oh sweetie,

    Sending you the biggest of hugs. It must be so hard for you. life throws us some real rubbish sometimes but we can get stronger from it.

    I suspect that is he desperate to not show his family how ill he is so he pulls out all the stops to pretend to be better than he is for them.

    Can you see if you can get some respite care for him at the local hospice or family or something so you get a break? It is really hard caring for someone all the time and you don't want the resentment to build up. Make sure you have time for yourself somewhere along the line, even if it is going shopping and then stopping for a coffee or something before you come home.

    Join the carers group and chat to the people in there. And the Macmillan advice line are a great help if you want to ring them.

    I hope you get some useful news from the doctor and some sense of where things are going.

    He must be frightened and unsure and not sure what to do as well. I know I tried to help out at home during treatment as I felt so bad for my partner having to do it all and I know I got in the way, but you also feel bad if you are just sitting around watching someone else doing it all and wearing themselves out.

    It is a hard thing to do and it would be good if you could talk to eachother about it. I told my partner I needed to do some things to feel in control and i know I was slow but please let me do them. He did the rest and I had times where I needed some space too so we would spend some time in other rooms etc.

    Not sure if you can do any of this, but hang on in there, you are doing one of the hardest jobs going and we are all here helping.

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    I agree with Little My, it really sounds like you'd both benefit from your partner having respite care for a week or two.

    I don't think your partner is playing up, if anything it sounds like your both depressed to be honest as I;ve been there myself. You feel bad feelings BUT remember that's the depression/stress making you feel that way. 

    Your a great carer and YOUR both only human and stress will build up time to time.

    You know when a mother finds strength she would never usually have to put a car up if her child is under, well i think your partner is finding strength when his family come round by mentally trying to make him self feel like his better even though his not.

    I would sleep nearly 90% of the time when really bad and now prob 60% of the day because of fatigue, but sometimes I push myself too much because I want to feel normal again and that is prob what your partner is doing when doing housework.

    Try talking to someone to let things out as it may help or just talking on here may help you vent your emotions out so it doesn't build up in your head.

    I got a benign tumour at 18 in 2005 and then Osteosarcoma-Bone Cancer at 21 in 2008 and they thought I was terminal so didn't save my eggs and now can't have kids and that's what depresses me the most as I've always been maternal. But now I've gone through the menopause permanently and can't have kids.

    Keep strong, xx

    Check my blog if you like:

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much, Little My and Coping.  It's so kind of you to comment and help me to put things into perspective.  I know that I need something to do away from the house sometimes (maybe an hour or two once a week?), but as one of the twins (6yrs) has cerebral palsy, we tend to "use" his parents to look after him and the other children for not only his therapies and appointments, but my daughter's, as well.  This includes overnight trips to London to Great Ormond treet, etc.  So when it comes to asking for them to give EVEN MORE time, I just feel like it isn't fair.  They do so much already.  This is my trap.  I maybe am doing it to myself more than anything with the way I am thinking. But it does seem to be my stumbling block.

    You're both right, I think, about him sort of "performing" for his family.  His mom is a total worrier and he really doesn't want to push her over the edge.  So yeah - you guys helped me put that one into the right context and remove the bad thoughts I was having.

    Thanks so much for your support and your time.  It has helped. <3 - Eve