Oncology Check Up Appointments

Less than one minute read time.

Those who know me will know I was very shocked to learn I wouldn't be having scans as a normal part of my check up procedure.  I don't need them as the blood tests are sufficient I was told!  The blood tests results would take 3 weeks as they results were sent to my GP!!! That was back on 18th Jan 10.  

I was told I would be having 4 monthly appointments for the foreseeable future, so when I haven't yet received an appointment for May, I rang today to see what was happening.  Are ya ready?????

I am on a waiting list for an appointment......a waiting list???????  There isn't an available appointment in May, try ringing again in a few weeks.   If you have any problems in the meantime, contact your GP and get a referral. Yeh, the GP who failed to spot the OVCA in the first place!!!!!

This is impossible......what are we cancer patients supposed to do...wait until a recurrence???

I am SO mad at this.......bloody NHS!



  • FormerMember

    My oncologist has requested a scan after 3 treaments to see how things are, and when I phoned my hospital they said at least a 6 week wait, I wasn't anywhere near the top of the list for being given a date.... that was 10 days ago, and I've had another treatment since then!!  A good job my blood test is showing sucess.


  • FormerMember

    I understand your frustration, Abs, I don't get scanned either, "only if you present with further symptoms"... bit late then methinks!  And there's no blood test to predict if my little gremlin is active again.

    Luckily my follow up appointments have gone according to plan, but perhaps that's more to do with being on a clinical trial than anything else.

    Ring again tomorrow and explain how concerned you are.

    Good luck, hun!

    Marsha xx

  • Sometimes we have to stand up and rattle a few cages to remind the medical profession we need respect. It is true that blood tests are a good indicator of 'cancer markers' in the blood but not in ALL cancers and are not infallible.

    I wish you luck.

    Best wishes,


  • ring and speak with the practice manager and complain, also as part of their duty of care if you request to be seen they have to either put you on a triage list or be seen as an emergency.

    fight your corner good luck


  • FormerMember

    Sorry for being very late with an update on this......anyway

    I rang again the following week and have got an appointment for June 15th, 1 month later than it should have been.

    I felt I really had to fight for this appointment which is not right.   So......I e mailed the NI Health Minister with my complaint about this system to ask hid opinion and whether he thought it was right.

    I have had a reply stating they are aware off the problem and that they have beenj issued more funding to emply employ a further 4 Oncologists to help with the problem.

    I am pleased they are taking the issue seriously, however, WHEN was the funding received, HOW far along the recruitment process are they and WHAT areas of Oncology are these new employees to be in.

    I am still waiting on answers.....we will see!

    Thanks for your replies my darlings..

