Abfab's blog

  • And the verdict is?????


    Hi folks

    As promised here is the update from the surgical team.

    I have been told today that they are going to operate....OMG!!!!!!!  I am booked for surgery on 15th July, a few days after I come home from Spain.

    So cant believe all this.......but happy days!  Still in shock........




  • Is this really happening??? :-)


    I am in complete shock!! Last Thursday I received a phone call from the Mater Hospital saying they had received a referral letter  from my Oncologist and that they wanted to see me on Monday!!

    I went, thinking they were going to tell me why any further treatment wasnt possible, as this is what I had been previously told after all my problems last year.

    The surgeon wants to do a 40% liver resection, removing ALL my cancer…

  • A glimmer of hope!


    Well, I had the phone call today regarding my fate.  It was from the other Oncologist Joanne as Sarah is on holiday.

    Joanne has said they cant see anything else on the CT scan but because OvCa is a bit sneaky they want to do a laparoscopy to check everything........and if its clear, they will do the liver op!!!!!

    I know this is only a glimmer of hope but it is what I need right now and they wouldnt bother with it if…

  • WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!


    How can this happen? This wasnt supposed to happen, I wasnt told it COULD happen?

    The January check up was fine, bloods all normal CA125 10 and C9-19 10 also. My GP had asked me to mention that my ESR (Rheumy blood) had risen again, this was dismissed by my Oncologist.

    I was due my next check up in May........May came and no word from the hospital, so I rang, to be told I was on a "Waiting list" for a review appointment…

  • Oncology Check Up Appointments


    Those who know me will know I was very shocked to learn I wouldn't be having scans as a normal part of my check up procedure.  I don't need them as the blood tests are sufficient I was told!  The blood tests results would take 3 weeks as they results were sent to my GP!!! That was back on 18th Jan 10.  

    I was told I would be having 4 monthly appointments for the foreseeable future, so when I haven't yet received…