A rock and a hard place

1 minute read time.

I am aged 66 and suffer from Parkinsons Disease, Heart Failure and Diabetes. I take 24 tablets a day including vital Levadopa to control my Parkinsons.

I have just been diagnosed with a Carcinoid Tumour and an 'area of concern' in my liver and was asked  complete a 24 hour urine test for the Multi Disiplinary Team this week so that they can plan my treatment.  Imagine my dilemma when I found that I must avoid Levadopa for 72 hours. This is not possible, dangerous and can be life threatening for a Parkinsons patient. At home that evening, with no one to ask at short notice I did the only safe thing and did the test but still took the medication. I attached a note to the HUGE sample bottle explaining the situation. I have since found out after a lengthy search of the web, that allowance can be made in these circumstances when interpreting the test results.  I had made the right call thank goodness. 


I have an excellent Parkinsons Nurse Specialist who has already advised that, in the event of surgery, I will be able to take my medication right up to the op and immediately afterwards. It's just another worry in an already stressful situation. Failure to take my Levadopa can be as dangerous as my recent diagnosis.


If there is anyone else in a similar situation who reads this, it may be of some comfort to know, that it is always possible to find a way round these 'rock and hard place' situations. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic,


    Thanks for your support. Without criticising my care in any way, I do find that knowledge of PD is rather patchy in other specialities. I am so lucky that my wife is a retired Physio and so she looks out for me when we get in a difficult situation.

    Best wishes,



  • FormerMember

    Hi Pat, I find it unbelievable (well, not really!) that you were left in the situation that you had to make the decision for yourself whether to stop your medication or not. The medical staff will have a not of all your medical conditions and should have issued advice on that. After all, you could have stopped the medication and suffered terrible consequences as a result.

    Stories like this seem to happening more and more these days. It really makes you wonder what is going on?

    I hope your test results are favourable and that your treatment goes well.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic and Christine,


    Thanks for your replies. Our PD nurse phoned last night and she confirmed that we had done the right thing. I would have checked with her in the first place but there wasn't time. She also said that she would go to our Neurologist for further advice if there were any problems with the test outcome.  She is a great support and gave us her mobile phone no and nhs email addy so we can keep in close touch with her.  It is great to feel she is there to support us through whatever lies ahead.

    I am expecting another call form the Respiratory Consultant tomorrow to inform me of the outcome of the MDT meeting which is taking place then.


    Will keep you posted.



  • FormerMember

    Just popped back to say that the consultant phoned this afternoon to say that I am being referred to a surgeon at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital so should hear from them soon.



  • FormerMember

    Mrs P here,

    Pat's having one of his 'bad' days today. He has been sick and is now wrapped up in a blanket and trying to get some sleep. I know we have to wait for this appointment with the surgeon, but it seems endless. The contrast scan that revealed the problem was on 11th August. Actual diagnosis was only just over two weeks ago, although it seems a lifetime. I know Carcinoid Tumours are slow growing and this one is low grade, but there is ? liver involement and I just want him to be treated.


    Just wanted to vent a bit. There are others in a much worse position that us.