A rock and a hard place

1 minute read time.

I am aged 66 and suffer from Parkinsons Disease, Heart Failure and Diabetes. I take 24 tablets a day including vital Levadopa to control my Parkinsons.

I have just been diagnosed with a Carcinoid Tumour and an 'area of concern' in my liver and was asked  complete a 24 hour urine test for the Multi Disiplinary Team this week so that they can plan my treatment.  Imagine my dilemma when I found that I must avoid Levadopa for 72 hours. This is not possible, dangerous and can be life threatening for a Parkinsons patient. At home that evening, with no one to ask at short notice I did the only safe thing and did the test but still took the medication. I attached a note to the HUGE sample bottle explaining the situation. I have since found out after a lengthy search of the web, that allowance can be made in these circumstances when interpreting the test results.  I had made the right call thank goodness. 


I have an excellent Parkinsons Nurse Specialist who has already advised that, in the event of surgery, I will be able to take my medication right up to the op and immediately afterwards. It's just another worry in an already stressful situation. Failure to take my Levadopa can be as dangerous as my recent diagnosis.


If there is anyone else in a similar situation who reads this, it may be of some comfort to know, that it is always possible to find a way round these 'rock and hard place' situations. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrs P

    Big hugs for you and hubby.  Hope you get through today and tomorrow is better.

    I know how you feel about the length of time it takes to get things sorted.  The NHS wheels seem to grind very slowly at times like these.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone,


    Mrs P here.

    Thank you so much for your kind comments. Pat is feeling better today. I am optomistic that we will hear quite soon as the hospital concerned seems to have a good record on seeing pts quickly. I will push if we don't hear but the referral only went on 4th Nov, so I have to give them time to respond.

    Will keep you posted.

    Mrs P.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrs P here.


    Well, we are moving through November and still no word from the hospital so I phoned yesterday. Referring consultant's secretary was great. Made contact with the other hospital and confirmed that scan request and letter to surgeon has arrived. Dept of Nuclear Medicine has our home phone no and will be ringing shortly with an appointment for an Octreoscan. Once this is done we will see the surgeon. She gave me the surgeon's name and contact phone nos.They have been in receipt of the referral for 2 weeks now so only have a little longer to meet the 31 day guideline to begin treatment. I expect we will hear soon and she feels we will probably hear by the end of this week. It's not the waiting so much as not knowing what is going on that gets to me.


    Will keep you posted. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrs P here,

    I am now registered as panda692 in my own right on here.

    I am pleased to say that Patrick received his appointments today for his Octreotide scans next week.  A brown envelope arrived in this morning's post and I thought it looked promising but just gave it to him saying' I think this is more junk mail', so he wouldn't get his hopes up too much.  It has been a difficult time waiting and interestingly the scan is on the 31st day since the referral was received. Just on target. He will go on to see an Oncologist after that.

    The Director of Clinical Oncology to whom he was referred is now on long term sick leave so he will be seen by another consultant in the team. If you read back on this blog you will see that Patrick is quite unlucky with doctors being ill.

    Anyway, it is a relief and our son is coming up here to stay and help with driving as I have poor night vision on unlit roads. That will be a great help.  Will keep you posted. 

  • FormerMember


    Just reading back and see that we had not posted that on the day we called in to clinic to get the Biopsy results, they were not back 10 days after the test. There we sat with the consultant who was mortified and told us that the Consultant Pathologist was ill and his work redistributed, hence the delay. Frantic phonecalls by him over the course of the afternoon finally got a partial result for us at nearly 5 pm. Our family waiting at home for the results were distraught. All very infortunate but sorted out in the end..