A Dignified Send-Off

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It seems that deciding what to do about an animal's funeral and final goodbye is even harder than the goodbye itself.

I'm sorry if this is upsetting but I can't bear to send his remains to the communal cremation and thence to a mass pet grave.  I just can't do it.  Cremation means nothing to me.  When it comes to death, I am an Earth person not a Fire person.  I have never been enamoured of ashes.  I know some people are but not me.  We came out of earth, Adam was created from earth, and as far as I am concerned, so we shall return - thank you very much.

I have only a short time to decide which way to go with this.  As I write, a burial on open land is being mooted.  Burial at a pet cemetery is out of budget.  Really difficult decision.

Mulling it over ...


  • FormerMember

    If anyone has any advice to give about the send-off for Flash, I would be grateful.

  • FormerMember

    hello perse

    I pm`d you earlier hope it got through. If  it feels right for you to bury Flash then I would say to go with that. I am not a fire person either but I do have some of my dogs ashes with me purely because at the time I just knew I needed a part of them back with me, but I do realise now that whatever you decide to do will not take Flash away from you, he will live in your heart and you will always love him.His little body is at peace now and free from pain and that is down to you because you loved him enough to let him go to sleep. I believe his soul will stay close to you and he knows how much you love him. Nothing can take that away.

    Love scarlet xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Perse,

    Whatever you decide and you think its the right choice thats all that matters. At least hes at peace..

    Take care and be safe Blow him a kiss from me.

    Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pers

    Suggestion - not sure of your circumstances - but the back garden - If flash had a fluorite blanket ? maybe wrap him in it, a final hug and lay to rest. No headstone needed - maybe a rose bush - see and and smell the scent on a summer evening - a few cut blooms to bring him inside when you hurt.

    OK forget mystic Meg !! - but a prediction - in the next 3 months you find a 1/2 brother or sister for flash !! - understand he cannot be replaced ever ! - but you will find another who needs you so much  - they offer un-conditional love - just need a kind word - a sensitive stoke - they offer so much and ask so little!

    Take care and just go with your heart please - think most of us know its big


    john xx

  • I have loved and lost many pets and I know how painful it is to say good-bye. I have buried one dog in the garden, one cremated separately with the ashes returned to me in an urn, and two went for communal cremation. They ALL live in my heart and I have wonderful memories of them all regardless of the final destination of their remains.

    You will know...
