A Dignified Send-Off

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It seems that deciding what to do about an animal's funeral and final goodbye is even harder than the goodbye itself.

I'm sorry if this is upsetting but I can't bear to send his remains to the communal cremation and thence to a mass pet grave.  I just can't do it.  Cremation means nothing to me.  When it comes to death, I am an Earth person not a Fire person.  I have never been enamoured of ashes.  I know some people are but not me.  We came out of earth, Adam was created from earth, and as far as I am concerned, so we shall return - thank you very much.

I have only a short time to decide which way to go with this.  As I write, a burial on open land is being mooted.  Burial at a pet cemetery is out of budget.  Really difficult decision.

Mulling it over ...


  • FormerMember


    Did you know its illegal in the UK to bury a pet at home as you need permission for the the Environment Agency & Animal Health Department, however we all know in reality this happens

    have you look in your area for a Natural woodland Green Burial park, they are not as expensive as a per cemetery and you can plant a tree as a memorial or a bird box, hence helping nature and the cycle of life

    whatever you choose I'm sure it will be the best repose for Flash


  • FormerMember

    It's now the Friday after the Saturday he died.  Could hardly bear it but spoke to the animal hospital and I think they understand.  They agreed to keep him until I can get something sorted out.

    Also spoke to the surgery of Mr Whizz Top Vet Surgeon who was due to give Flash an abdominal scan but he died before we could do it.  Maybe Mr Whizz might be able to give me some words of comfort, don't know, pet bereavement counselling perhaps?  They loved Flash at that surgery.  I almost wish he'd been put to sleep there instead of the animal hospital.  But the animal hospital is the one that was on TV with Rolf Harris so it does have that.

    I can't help wondering if it was anything I did that made Flash ill or stopped him being diagnosed.  He died before he could be diagnosed.  We just knew he had an enlarged prostate, the cancer could  not  actually be diagnosed or  detected before he died.  I was honestly just about to take him for the scan when this happened.  I feel so shocked.  It is nearly identical to my Mum.

    I was on the phone to relatives abroad to tell them the news and broke down while I was talking.  It was like reliving the nightmare that was Saturday.  There is that usual cultural'/Muslim thing (these days, not sure which of those it's down to) of not understanding how important a companion an animal can be.  Or indeed understanding how important a companion he was to Mum.

    The Natural Woodland Green Burial Park idea sounds nice work if I can get it.  That is much more in line with my beliefs and the expense of course is a real factor.  I wonder if respectgb could give me any more details if they know?  Anyway I'll Google it.

    Thanks, Perse.

  • FormerMember

    Hi just let mew know the town / city you are and I will be able to find out if one is close by or just Google the Natural Death Centre and they have a list of Natural Burial Grounds but be sure you look for one that accepts pets.

    they are not as expensive as cremation and much better on the environment too.

    you should not really leave it too long for both you and Flash
