Just a random 'down' day? & far too many 'maybe's!!

2 minute read time.

I had good news two days ago, so why do I feel so pants right now?

I can’t really explain it, it’s kind of like an anticlimax. Friends had talked about celebrating when I had good news, but I don’t feel like doing anything now I am in a position to celebrate.

I had two offers last night, a girly night on Friday & an adult only weekend at Butlins in a couple of weeks, and I turned them both down. I made excuses both times because I don’t know how to tell people I no longer feel like celebrating.

Maybe it’s the reality of being told that whilst it’s not cancer yet, it could be one day. Don’t get me wrong, the consultant was very positive. He said decades if at all, and if it does change there are good treatments available, which are bound to improve yet again in the coming years.

Somehow decades seems ages away when you have something good to look forward to, but when it’s not so good it’s not long at all.  I guess everyone on here will appreciate that.

Maybe it’s because he did actually talk about Myeloma. He didn’t mention any names when I first saw him as he wanted to get results first. He asked if I wanted any information about it, but I said I’d found enough of my own & would prefer to leave it until I ever do need to know.

Maybe I’m just having a random ‘down’ day that everyone gets occasionally! Usually I just accept these days knowing it’ll pass soon. I guess the difference is I’ve got something for those negative feelings to focus on right now.

I keep thinking, ‘ok, there’s only a 1% chance each year of things changing, but someone has to be in that 1%, and in 2 years it’ll be 2% etc’. Perhaps I should just buck up & tell myself there’s a 99% chance it won’t change!!

 Maybe it’s because I’m spending too much time reading other peoples experiences. I found a Facebook group for MGUS yesterday. Even there, ‘pre cancer’, everyone has so many problems with the ‘side effects’ of MGUS. I think maybe I’m better off not knowing – maybe ignorance really  is bliss!!

I had a few tears earlier. I’m not one of those people who feels worse for feeling bad, or see’s crying as a weakness. I think it’s good for you. It’s release of emotions and I normally feel better for it after.

I’m not good at talking about my feelings to the people close to me. Maybe it’s from being the first born & being the big sister, the strong one who my siblings looked up to.  Maybe it’s my job as a nurse, where you put feelings aside (well not completely, you just control them). Maybe its motherhood, and wanting to protect my children. Who knows! Maybe it’s just me!

My worse life experiences to date were my recurrent miscarriages. I learnt then to give myself time to grieve. I would do this privately at the end of the day (mostly!) & see it as ‘my’ time. Perhaps that’s how I should think now. But I don’t have cancer; I have nothing to grieve for. It doesn’t make sense.

Maybe it is just a random down day!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic

    I'm a big sister, and mother, and used to be the sensible, well-balanced person that everyone relied on. I had quite a battle on my hands with multiple relapsing Hodgkins, and I didn't fit the usual profile, and they couldn't find a bone marrow match (even though 6 siblings were tested and they looked on the register) I had my own stem cells transplanted, but things were so grim I rewrote my will, sorted my funeral, wrote letters for my kids...prepared for death. Two and a half years later I'm still alive, and it really messed with my head. I thought, I prepared everything, and now I've got to plan for a new kind of life. How weird is that? It took me until this year to realise that I could LIVE again. I still have bad days, and I understand what you are going through, as I have other health problems associated with treatment.

    Just take one day at a time, live for the moment, get out, enjoy yourself, be kind to yourself, and don't let the threat of what might happen dictate your life. None of us know what is round the corner, and you have already shown great strength by the way you dealt with your miscarriages. You'll do so again.

    With love and best wishes for a happy life


  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone for your understanding replies. I'd love to respond to each of you personally but I need to sleep now.

    I wasnt sure if I should have posted or not earlier, but am so glad I did now. It's the only place I feel comfortable sharing my feelings and everyone on here is amazing.

    love and hugs to you all.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic,

    Get a goodnight sleep.  Nighty Night and pleasent Dreams.  You dont have to respond to everyone we all know how you feel.  Just remember your never alone on this site.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx