Just a random 'down' day? & far too many 'maybe's!!

2 minute read time.

I had good news two days ago, so why do I feel so pants right now?

I can’t really explain it, it’s kind of like an anticlimax. Friends had talked about celebrating when I had good news, but I don’t feel like doing anything now I am in a position to celebrate.

I had two offers last night, a girly night on Friday & an adult only weekend at Butlins in a couple of weeks, and I turned them both down. I made excuses both times because I don’t know how to tell people I no longer feel like celebrating.

Maybe it’s the reality of being told that whilst it’s not cancer yet, it could be one day. Don’t get me wrong, the consultant was very positive. He said decades if at all, and if it does change there are good treatments available, which are bound to improve yet again in the coming years.

Somehow decades seems ages away when you have something good to look forward to, but when it’s not so good it’s not long at all.  I guess everyone on here will appreciate that.

Maybe it’s because he did actually talk about Myeloma. He didn’t mention any names when I first saw him as he wanted to get results first. He asked if I wanted any information about it, but I said I’d found enough of my own & would prefer to leave it until I ever do need to know.

Maybe I’m just having a random ‘down’ day that everyone gets occasionally! Usually I just accept these days knowing it’ll pass soon. I guess the difference is I’ve got something for those negative feelings to focus on right now.

I keep thinking, ‘ok, there’s only a 1% chance each year of things changing, but someone has to be in that 1%, and in 2 years it’ll be 2% etc’. Perhaps I should just buck up & tell myself there’s a 99% chance it won’t change!!

 Maybe it’s because I’m spending too much time reading other peoples experiences. I found a Facebook group for MGUS yesterday. Even there, ‘pre cancer’, everyone has so many problems with the ‘side effects’ of MGUS. I think maybe I’m better off not knowing – maybe ignorance really  is bliss!!

I had a few tears earlier. I’m not one of those people who feels worse for feeling bad, or see’s crying as a weakness. I think it’s good for you. It’s release of emotions and I normally feel better for it after.

I’m not good at talking about my feelings to the people close to me. Maybe it’s from being the first born & being the big sister, the strong one who my siblings looked up to.  Maybe it’s my job as a nurse, where you put feelings aside (well not completely, you just control them). Maybe its motherhood, and wanting to protect my children. Who knows! Maybe it’s just me!

My worse life experiences to date were my recurrent miscarriages. I learnt then to give myself time to grieve. I would do this privately at the end of the day (mostly!) & see it as ‘my’ time. Perhaps that’s how I should think now. But I don’t have cancer; I have nothing to grieve for. It doesn’t make sense.

Maybe it is just a random down day!


  • FormerMember

    We all have the random down days and there is a sense of anticlimax I think. when my scan showed they couldn't see the tumour at the moment, i had the celebration and then hit the ground with a bump about 2 days afterwards. Its not surprising really. You are celebrating a negative really. You are celebrating something really bad not happening.It is a massive anticlimax. A good one of course, but an anticlimax all the same and you are going to have down days.

    Imagine you were getting ready for a battle and you know you might die in it. You spend months training and getting your armour ready and all of that and on the day of the battle they say Oh its not happening now... Yes, you should be happy that you don't have to fight but you would also feel an anticlimax and a Oh... now what... wouldn't you?

    Sounds normal reaction to me... Cancer is the biggest headf*** going. No 2 ways about it. You will feel everything I reckon.

    Have a big hug for the down days from me

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Little My. You made me cry again! Lol!

    Your analogy to the battle is perfect! - might have to use that if anyone cant understand why I feel the way I do.

    After I posted my blog, I got the post from the front door & there was an 'infosheet' sent from the Heamaology Clinical Nurse Specialist about MGUS. It seemed everyother word was 'Myeloma'!

    Maybe I should read it again when I've put my battle armour away & am feeling more positive.

    Fingers (& everything else) crossed your tumour stays away.


  • FormerMember

    Hi there, I made someone else cry yesterday.. I 've got to stop doing this :o) I'm usually very silly. What has got into me???

    Take your time with that armour cos your emotions will be all over the place for a while... and thanks for the finger crossing-  check  up on Friday so it had better still be away or I might be fighting that armour off you!

    I also find buying yourself shiny things helps... well, you deserve it don't you?

    i got a trollbead bracelet and a charm to celebrate no tumour... each anniversary I will get another charm  for it and if it comes back, I will get a consolation one so win-win shiny things ! My check ups are 4 weekly at the moment so can't afford a charm every 4 weeks he he so might have to do 6 or 12 months or scans or something... maybe you could do something  symbolic like that for yourself rather than Butlins to celebrate mgus and not myeloma, though is mgus something to celebrate? I suspect not....


    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic,

    Your feelings must be all over the place. One Thing I can tell you is that crying is a great way to get rid of pent up emotions,They say that men shouldnt cry, what a load of rubbish if we didnt then mentally we would be in one hell of a state. Just take it one day at a time, and you soon will be back to your normal happy self.  Look after yourself and get out and enjoy yourself you deserve it.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Big hugs to you Nic.

    I'm sure you will pick yourself up soon enough and although the news is good I can understand you feeling wary about the future.  But my nan always used to say look after today and let the future look after itself!

    Much love,

    Nin xxx