A New Way of Life

  • Just a random 'down' day? & far too many 'maybe's!!


    I had good news two days ago, so why do I feel so pants right now?

    I can’t really explain it, it’s kind of like an anticlimax. Friends had talked about celebrating when I had good news, but I don’t feel like doing anything now I am in a position to celebrate.

    I had two offers last night, a girly night on Friday & an adult only weekend at Butlins in a couple of weeks, and I turned them both down. I…

  • Good news - officially!


    Saw the consultant today.

    MGUS confirmed!

    X-rays clear & bone marrow plasma cells only 1%.

    He did discuss Myeloma but doesnt predict any problems for decades if at all.

    Due to only being 40 years old he's going to follow me up in clinic rather than handing over to the GP.

    Next appointment in 6 months for repeat bloods.

    If only small or no change, annual follow up after that.


    Thanks for all suport…

  • Good news (unofficially!)


    Mate who works in the Trust (alongside my consultant) texted me today asking if I'd had any news.

    It's my day off so unable to look, but know results ready anytime.

    I texted back asking if she'd looked, but I'd not expect her to tell me anything if she had. Then she rang me! She said report was very long & she didnt understand it all, but it said consistent with MGUS!

    Hooray! I'm only pre-cancerous!…

  • Beginings. Part one.


    Back in early August I got my usual invitation to donate blood. I’d missed the last session for some reason & was keen to donate again – hubby & I were having a kind of race to see who could donate the most. He was a late starter to donating. I started soon after my 18th. I’d gotten a bit behind due to pregnancies (I lost 4 babies between my 2 kids) & a couple of low Hb periods so I wanted to keep…

  • Ok, here we go!


    Ok, it's late & I should be sleeping, but I'm on my own so it's time to blog something!

    I decided that when I got around to starting a blog I'd start with where I am now, then I'd go back over the last few weeks before updating as I feel.

    So right now, I'm 40 years & 7 months old. (I somehow, but don’t know why, feel the 7 months is significant!)

    I'm married with 2 children. A daughter…