Good news (unofficially!)

Less than one minute read time.

Mate who works in the Trust (alongside my consultant) texted me today asking if I'd had any news.

It's my day off so unable to look, but know results ready anytime.

I texted back asking if she'd looked, but I'd not expect her to tell me anything if she had. Then she rang me! She said report was very long & she didnt understand it all, but it said consistent with MGUS!

Hooray! I'm only pre-cancerous! (provisionally)

Seems a bitter sweet thing to celebrate. I dont have cancer - yet!

I feel a fraud, most people here are fighting cancer or hoping it doesnt come back, & I'm just hoping if mine comes, it doesnt come for a good while yet if at all.

Anyway, I'm here now, & hope to gain strength from reading your stories & wish you all well in the future.

I'll add more to my story sometime soon if only for my own sake.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Nicolala,

    Fantastic news. You have made my day. Well done and Good Luck for the Future. You deserve it

    Take Care and Be safe Big Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nicolala,

    Fraud?!?!? Think not!!! You have been there and experienced all that goes with the uncertainty.

    As a carer past your news brightens my day, as I'm sure it does yours too. For every bit of good news gives us all something to feel grateful for whether it is for a loved one or other.

    Many good wishes and more Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey, great news!!!

    Fraud? ditto what Helen says.

    Hope it stays precancerous forever.(assuming that is a good thing, if its not, then hope it goes away forever)

    Little Myx


  • FormerMember

    Hurrah! Good news, and we need as much of that as we can get.

    If it's any consolation, I often feel a fraud because I am so much less ill than a lot of people on here. Judy feels bad when she goes on the carers' pages because everyone there is coping with worse. I say cancer is cancer is cancer (is a bastard), and everyone's experience is equally valid.

    Pre-cancerous - that's kind of like living with the Sword of Damocles, I'd think. Better than having cancer, but ... what can you/the doctors do to stop it ever becoming cancer ...?

    Best of luck, whatever happens.


    - Hilary

  • FormerMember

    Hi NIcolala


    That's fantastic news, so pleased for you! :) 


    Love n hugs Lorraine Xé&