Life still on hold

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Feel like my life has been on hold since my husband's diagnosis in November.  I lost him in April and now my dad is about to start chemo for oesophagus cancer and then have a huge operation with a long recovery.


Thank God for this website, somewhere to offload!

  • FormerMember

    Dad went back for the start of his second cycle of chemo today.  His white blood count was a bit low so they said go home and come back on Monday.  Also his potassium is a bit low, but they said they are not concerned.  I am concerned as my husband had low potassium as a result of chemo.  They haven't given him supplements or anything so he has gone out and got some bananas.  I will be ggogling potassium rich foods and cooking those when he comes for tea on Sunday!

    I will be taking him on Monday and it will be the first time I have been there since losing my husband so not looking forward to that but I will be there for him as he would for me

  • FormerMember

    Not posted on the blog for a while.  I went with him that day to the hospital for the chemo and he was sent home again for low white cells again.  Long story short, he had the chemo at the end of the week.  He has been told that there has been a good response and the tumor has shrunk.  They say they have spotted something on his liver but they don't think it's anything to worry about. (easier said than done!) He has gone for an MRI today.  He goes in hospital on Thursday.  They will have the results then and he will have the surgery on Friday to remove the whole of his oesophagus.  Heill be in intensive care for a couple of days and in hospital about 2 weeks.


    During the chemo they told him to carry on as normal and he has done really well so far.  He has carried on with his life and eaten and drunk normally.  He has pottered round in the garden and got out and about.  He is quite independent (we lost mum in 2007) he lives on his own and is used to doing everything so I know he will find it hard to accept that he needs help.  Well he's getting the help whether he wants it or not!!


    We went to a support group the other week and it was good to meet people who have had the op and come through it and look so well.  they all said they wished they had had the group before the op so he is lucky in that regard.


    So it will soon be back to hospital visits and the full time job of keeping people updated.  



  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to send you some extra strength for your Dad's forthcoming operation - try not to worry too much because it sounds like he is doing really well so far and he is in good hands.

    Glad that you have found the support group, too ... I'm sure that is a big help for you both. So wishing you and your Dad all the very best and sending some hugs.

    Love, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your support.  That hidden strength is there again.  I went and gave blood today. Used to donate years ago then had to stop for a bit and got out of the habit.  When my husband was in hospital he had 4 transfusions, one as an emergency and the rest due to side effects of chemo so I have been saying I will go ever since.  Didn't feel up to it for a while then went on the spare of the minute today when I saw the sign.  Now that I have been, they will send me details so I will get back into the habit.

    We are all off out for lunch tomorrow before Dad goes in on Thursday.  Who knows when the next time will be. Hopefully not too long


  • FormerMember

    We got a call today to say that the op has been put back! Not sure when yet but they had an emergency to deal with today. It's a heart and chest unit so I feel for the family involved as much as for my dad!