
1 minute read time.

I finally got the results of my CT scan today, almost 7 weeks on, and unfortunately it’s not good news. I have a lesion on my liver which they believe to be cancer. More scans required to understand it a bit more, so I am expecting to be summoned for.a PET scan and MRI fairly promptly.  One hopes the results of these are progressed with a bit more urgency than the CT scan was. I also have a growth on my adrenal gland, which they think is benign, and what is probably a cyst on one of my ovaries. It’s not clear whether they intend to investigate any of these any further. I have no idea what the treatment plan will be. I asked if surgery was an option and was told they didn’t know, but ablation might be a possibility if it turns out to be a single, well contained and localised secondary. I am due back in clinic in 4 weeks to discuss results / next steps. Feeling rather numb and deflated. I wasn’t expecting this and am very aware that survival times with TNBC that has spread are often very short. I was also hoping to finish chemo in 3 weeks but it now seems likely by journey will continue.

It’s not clear whether they will proceed with the planned radiotherapy - that’s for the other consultant to decide on Wednesday. 

The CT scan was done after only 1 Paclitaxel so my best hope is that the chemo has been working on it and new scans will reveal a reduction. 

  • Hi, oh my goodness what a shock for you. It must be so difficult to process this in the midst of an uncertain time anyway. I have just signed up for counselling through work to help me deal with an immense amount of change. Is there anything available to you? I’ve just immediately responded to you with advice - I’m actually offering a virtual hand hold. 

  • Thanks   At the moment I am hanging on lot the hope that they will find it’s somewhat reduced or is only scar tissue when they investigate it further. I know other answers are possible but it’s the best way of staying sane until I know more. Otherwise I am left with knowing the chemo has been n a complete failure. 

  • Keep me posted. I do hope you get some decent answers. 

  • I’m so sorry you have had this latest news. I hope you get some answers and a plan as quickly as possible. Hopefully you will get the necessary scans very soon.. 

  • So sorry to hear your news,  I've been following your blog, as my journey has been similar  to yours, as 4 weeks behind you on Pacitaxol, 7 left to go, have not  had a scan since the start, due an MRI in about 4 weeks, by time results  back I will have finished chemo.  Hopefully  they will sort things quickly for you! Sending virtual  hugs xxx