EC Round 2 - return to normality

1 minute read time.

It’s hard to judge whether the second round of EC was easier or harder than the first. On the plus side, I was aware of which side effects would kick in and when, so could both adjust my life around them, and take appropriate medications. The acid reflux didn’t reappear thanks to Omeprazole. Ignoring the last days’s worth of steroids both improved my sleep, and separated the steroid come down from the first day of Filgrastim, making both easier to handle. Injecting the Filgrastim at 4pm rather than 6pm improved matters as I was still able to get through the evening, but had got through the worst of it by morning time. However the Filgrastim hit my heels this time, which was quite uncomfortable, and the tinnitus has been worse.  It’s also taken me a day or so longer to feel I am pretty well symptom free. Today (day 14) has been my best day so far, whereas last cycle I reached this point on day 12. Probably worst of all, my taste was impacted this time, although it mostly returned to normal by day 10. Apart from a couple of mornings of diarrhoea, I have been able to operate fairly normally throughout so long as I manage my energy envelope.

Happily I now have another week of feeling good before I tackle round 3. I have been to an Aqua class today and will try running tomorrow, We have booked a few days away in a cottage for a short break so am really looking forward to that. Then back for EC3 on Wednesday of next week.
