EC Round 1 days 7 & 8

1 minute read time.

Am interesting roller coaster, this one. After the uncomfortable hands and shoulder of day 6 (which had rendered me unable to operate a knife or deal with bra hooks), I decided to manage day 7 with ibuprofen. A much better night’s sleep and woke up fine, but then the abdominal griping and wind set in and I spent most of the morning lying around. By late morning I was feeling a bit better, so I wandered round to our local Waitrose for a few bits for lunch. I then got my husband to drive me to a neighbouring city so I could attend a couple of Board meetings in person. Quite surprised the meetings were absolutely fine. I was functioning well and I doubt if anyone would have noticed anything. I had another meeting in the evening but had taken the precaution of arranging to join it online and for the parts most needing my input to be addressed first. Again, that worked perfectly well.

As the bone pain hadn’t been too bad on day 7, and I was frustrated with the abdominal issues, I decided to try to cold turkey day 8 as far as analgesics were concerned. Same sort of morning, got up, abdomen not right, morning lying around again. I had some work I needed to do in the afternoon. Something I would normally be able to do in my sleep, and it really had to be done today. But by the afternoon my neck was stiffening to the point I could barely move my head and I felt full of brain fog. Enlisted the help of my ever wonderful husband to cross check everything I did and got through it in about twice the usual time. Tried a bit of paracetamol which has helped a bit and had a slow and steady walk.

On the plus side, food tastes absolutely normal and I have no other symptoms to speak of, other than each Filgastrim injection seems to lead to a bit of tinnitus, which wears off before the next shot. Injection number 4 is safely onboard, so glad that tomorrow evening is the last of these. I have every hope I will feel pretty normal by day 11. 
