Listen to the woman.

Less than one minute read time.

I went to see my GP with a list of symptoms mostly around itching. Everywhere. I itch everywhere, including places that I won't mention. He took it very seriously and ordered lots of blood tests, offered to do a breast check ('although itching isn't really a symptom unless it's round the nipple'), asked the nurse practitioner to do a check 'down below' and generally treated me as if I mattered. Which was nice. The bloods all came back normal ('your liver is juvenile!), the nurse prescribed a cream that actually worked and he couldn't feel anything wrong with my breasts. 'But,' he said in his pleasant German accent, 'I will refer you to the breast clinic if that is what you would like.' 

I would and he did. There and then. As the nurse said 'Listen to the woman'. I asked if I should stop worrying and he said to wait until I'd seen everybody. 

Six days later a letter arrived inviting me to an appointment ten days later. Although it was quite inconvenient and I was sure that I was making a fuss over nothing, I rearranged stuff and I kept the appointment. 
