What next

1 minute read time.

We have now lived through 3 different types of cancers and this time I am struggling to understand what we can expect , after loosing our sons's step daughter to brain cancer and then  for that same son to have testicular cancer which had spread to his abdomen seemed to beggar belief, he is now on the road to recovery and has returned full time to work last week after a year. but now we are faced with our daughter having been diagnosed with bowel cancer which has spread to her liver, she has just had her 5th session of chemo with the 6th being planned for 11th - 15th October bloods being OK. she has been injecting to bring her bloods up so fingers crossed.

is there anyone out there who can give me some idea what further treatment we can expect if indeed there is any , the scan after the 3rd session of chemo showed some reduction in the bowel but the liver was indistinct, after recovering from each chemo session our daughter is back to her cheerful self and we are all keeping optimistic  she if 39 with a husband and 2 small children, who are keeping us all focused.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Loulou, I am so saddened to read of your family's ongoing battle with this dreadful disease. Pleased that your son is recovering though.

    I hope your daughter's treatment goes really well. I don't know anything about what treatments are available for your daughter, but I'm sure someone on here will reply giving what knowledge they have.

    Wishing yourself and your family all the very best for the future.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you very much for your good wishes


    Loulou xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Loulou,So sorry to read your awful luck of this terrible disease.My husband Pete as been fighting bowel,liver lung cancer for the past 6yrs on and off chemo most of the time,you can read our profile,are they trying to shrink the tumors to operate to remove them?Pete is on a drug called cetiximab this drug suppose to halt the spread,they can run it along side the chemo,your daughter would have to have her liver tested to see if she as the correct gene to use it,its a 50/50 chance she will have it ,ask your consultant about it.hope this helps,hugs Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chris

    They are trying to shrink the tumors and then will decide whether to operate or not after the 6th chemo I will ask the consultant about this drug thank you, believe it or not my daughter's career is in cancer drug research how ironic is that.

    Hugs back to you



  • FormerMember

    Hi Loulou,Please if you can push for the op to remove the tumor,Pete had the maximum they could remove and luckily it wasnt on his bile duct if you need any advice dont hesitate to private message me i have requested you as a friend.Hugs Chris.xx