What next

1 minute read time.

We have now lived through 3 different types of cancers and this time I am struggling to understand what we can expect , after loosing our sons's step daughter to brain cancer and then  for that same son to have testicular cancer which had spread to his abdomen seemed to beggar belief, he is now on the road to recovery and has returned full time to work last week after a year. but now we are faced with our daughter having been diagnosed with bowel cancer which has spread to her liver, she has just had her 5th session of chemo with the 6th being planned for 11th - 15th October bloods being OK. she has been injecting to bring her bloods up so fingers crossed.

is there anyone out there who can give me some idea what further treatment we can expect if indeed there is any , the scan after the 3rd session of chemo showed some reduction in the bowel but the liver was indistinct, after recovering from each chemo session our daughter is back to her cheerful self and we are all keeping optimistic  she if 39 with a husband and 2 small children, who are keeping us all focused.



  • FormerMember

    Nurses came in today and did a successful flush of the pic line ready (hopefully) for next weeks chemo then we wait for scan and decision as to the future am looking into cetiximab, have tried to accept you as a friend but did not work at the moment I am working on it.


