Is it ok if I am selfish and have a rant tonite?

1 minute read time.

I have just looked in my diary to see that I have an appointment with my GP next monday, it is one I made some weeks ago.

Then I got to thinking that EVERY time I have been to see my GP since my diagnosis of uncurable prostate cancer four and a half years ago every appointment has been made by ME not once has my GP asked to see me, all the appointments have been when I thought they ought to see me. IS THIS COMMON?

I know I see my consultant every 3 months but surely I could expect my GP to take some interest in my health or lack of it, he had decades of being paid for me being  a patient even though I never had occaission to go to the surgery.

Now that I am trying Active Surveillance I am costing the NHS nothing except for some Double base for the dry skin.

And now today I  discover that there is a difference between being terminaly ill and uncurable! According to the benefits office your terminaly ill when you only expect to live for less than six months otherwise your ONLY uncurable!!

Crystal Ball time, might go and get my palm read.

sorry everybody lol and hugs

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Redsock,

    I have like you if I wanted to see my Dr, I go in and hes says to me and how are you feeling today, Oh Im fine just thought I would drop in and let you know as I havent seen you in 3yrs. with my Cancers still lurking about somewhere,I also had a Brain Hemmorage about 2 yrs ago and not once has he come anywhere near me to see how I was doing.

    So STUFF him I wont visit him when hes not well. So There.!!!!!!

    Take care and be safe BIg Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Know the feeling so well !! - Diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago Prostate Cancer as well - but I was lucky enough to have a heart attack 6 days before the operation.

    MY GP does specialise in heart and blood pressure problems - in fairness to him to has seen me frequently for both monitoring and adjusting the medication. He even arranged some of the appointments for blood samples etc.

    Have made 3 apointments in the last 2 years about aspects of the Prostate Cancer - each time when I have seen him the answer is about the same - better wait to you see the consultant and let him adjust the medication / sort the problem ( same as you this 3 monthly !! )

    Given up seeing him about the cancer now


  • FormerMember

    guess im lucky..if dr beardsley is in the erea she will pop in and see me now and then..

    though to be honest our gps arent really experts on cancer so there not the best person to see about your cancer if its a medical thing relating to your illness....

  • FormerMember

    thanks for the comments good to know its not just me, pleased youve have a GP who shows some sense of caring Graeme, Like your idea of telling him Im not going to see him when hes ill Sars,

    ive just done some reading tonight JohnOc and apparently we PCa men should be have the following routine checks, blood pressure, cholesterol,blood sugar, weight and smokers should be monitored as men on hormone therapy are at a greater risk of diabetes and cardiovascular events.

    Something that doesnt help is that the consultants only tell our GPs what they think they need to know and as you say they are not PCa specialists.

    Thanks all


  • FormerMember

    My doctors are bloody awful :(

    They don't ever phone and ask how I am.

    When I go for a sick not, they sit there and say "what do you want me to write on it?"

    Err, how about reading my notes, and putting 'cancer'!!

    I went in with feeling very ill, lethargic,sick etc, and I had to suggest a blood test!

    The doctor looked baffled!

    I asked for sleeping tablets as I wasn't sleeping at all, and the silly mare turned and said to me "You know these make you drowsy?"

    ..........well, what can I say to that?!!!