Is it ok if I am selfish and have a rant tonite?

1 minute read time.

I have just looked in my diary to see that I have an appointment with my GP next monday, it is one I made some weeks ago.

Then I got to thinking that EVERY time I have been to see my GP since my diagnosis of uncurable prostate cancer four and a half years ago every appointment has been made by ME not once has my GP asked to see me, all the appointments have been when I thought they ought to see me. IS THIS COMMON?

I know I see my consultant every 3 months but surely I could expect my GP to take some interest in my health or lack of it, he had decades of being paid for me being  a patient even though I never had occaission to go to the surgery.

Now that I am trying Active Surveillance I am costing the NHS nothing except for some Double base for the dry skin.

And now today I  discover that there is a difference between being terminaly ill and uncurable! According to the benefits office your terminaly ill when you only expect to live for less than six months otherwise your ONLY uncurable!!

Crystal Ball time, might go and get my palm read.

sorry everybody lol and hugs

  • FormerMember

    Whilst having chemo I broke my foot. My onc asked me to go to my GP and ask for a bone density scan. My GP said to me that yes he would referr me for one. Whilst writing the referral he said to me that I was getting my monie's worth out of the NHS. I said that I deserve it as I worked for the NHS for 34 years and left without a golden handshake.

    Take Care Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    My GP is amazing, she has followed me through the last two and a half years, I have problems with my hospital team, I don't know which is worse guys!! love....Carol x

  • My GP doesn't ever read my notes. I turn up for an appointment and say something like, "I expect you know my history so I need help/advice on XYZ". I am greeted with blank stares and the reply, "I don't know - you tell me?"

    I have far more faith in my oncologist who takes my concerns seriously and ACTS on them.


  • FormerMember

    Hi my GP has been fantastic since my first diagnosis.

    I thought the hospital were great first time round, now not so sure it seems that they are not bothered with me unless I get really ill again.

    No info coming through and what they tell me at my consultation is not what they write in the letters to the GP(I get copies)

    Oncology LRI.

    Love to all Vee.
