South Downs Marathon - June 2010

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Before i state the result of this race there were a few things that played a major factor in the result.

Firstly this was a trail race which means that the course could cover any type of terrain, secondly this race went over 3 significant hills on the south downs. I have attached the course profile which shows the level of ups and downs that i faced on the day. SD Profile

That said i had a great run, i started slowly struggling with the boggy conditions in the first section that took in some woodland. Following the woods the course opened up to simply breath-taking views, running across fields, grasslands and country tracks. This is definitely a place that i would like to visit again taking time to enjoy the South Downs in a more relaxed fashion.

As i mentioned above there were significant hills, one of which was the base for a group of hang gliding enthusiasts. It was very tough.

My time for the 26.2 miles was 4 hours 42 minutes. A significant improvement on the Halstead experience over a far tougher course
