Nottingham Marathon (12th September)

2 minute read time.

Nottingham was a really good weekend away. We went horse riding on the Saturday and after riding a very “spooky” horse was thinking that I should have been resting rather than riding for 2 hours.

Race day was in my usual fashion chaotic. We had planned our route to the start but with unforseen road closures and diversions (for the marathon) we were stuck in a pretty major jam. Panic started as always but as there were several groups of runners walking to the “race village” I was more confident so we walked to the start.

The race was similar to Margate, split between a 1/2 and a full marathon. I am looking forward to being in a half next year, peeling left for a sprint finish as others shake their heads and plunge on for another 13 miles.

My first reaction to Nottingham was that it was fast, I am pretty good at pacing out at 9 minute miles now but after a stunning route through the city, university grounds and some leafy parks before heading back towards the start/finish area.

The 2nd half was not as pretty as the 1st but i enjoyed running past Nottingham Forest FC. As i ran past the 20 mile marker i realised that i was around 8 minutes ahead of schedule which has never happened before. I still felt ok in my legs but was having to concentrate due to the very dull route that we had to follow. Still there weere small areas of cheering people which helped drive the legs.

Following a bit of cross country we found ourself back on the banks of the Trent heading back towads the City ground and the final 2 miles to the start line. I admit that i was slippping back towards 10 minute miles at this point but i heard the piecing whistles from a bridge up ahead and could not help but smile at my wife, mum and friends at they clappped and cheered me past them. Moments like that one always make me proud, so i some how manage to find some rhythm and look better than i feel.

The race was then on, I had a mile to run and my trio of supporters had to get to the same point. I think they had the shorter route. With a few hundred yards to go i checked my watch and saw that i was still under 4 hours, this is the 1st time i have really got close so i continued to push myself on.

I turned the final corner, saw my support group who were going nuts! I then heard the PA saying that all within sight of the finish would be under 4 hours. I looked up and saw the clock on 3:58.

I thought that my sprint finish was fast and possibly impressive, apparently my legs were a little wobbly!

Still forgeting that this was a chip timed event i was very happy at breaking 4 hours for the 1st time, despite running a full marathon 7 days earlier.

My official time 3:56. Another personal best.

I have a fair bit of rest time now, but am planning a decent run two weeks before Dublin to ensure that i am in good race shape. Another PB is required.
