Margate Marathon (5th September)

1 minute read time.

I was looking forward to running a marathon that i have run before, as in theory I knew the course and how i coped 12 months ago.

My friend Peter came to witness me run so Saturday night turned into a bit of a house warming as he was our first guest. A chinese meal was probably not the best meal to have the night before but it was good.

Due to many factors, we were running behind schedule and as such my normal stress and panic routine started. We did arrive at 9.25 which gave me 5 mins to pick up my number, and head to the start. The start was delayed anyway so i should not have worried.

The course follows a Viking Trail, winding along the costal path, there are some fantastic views of the channel and Kent countryside. The marathon is split into two sections, the first is a challenging 1/2 marathon race with several tough hills and tight paths which can hinder your running rhythm.

The second half is another slog along a coastal path but due to the number of runners that do the full there are times when there is only you and the road. This makes motivation and pacing difficult. I was consistant with 9 minute miles through to mile 22 and felt ok.

The course which is mainly flat during the second half does still have a few hills, the toughest being at mile 25. I was not feeling strong enough to run that particular hill so found myself trudging along. The usual support from other runners, marshalls and some of the general public help you but a tough hill at that stage is for me just too much.

I finished well, passing another runner before the line but was a little disappointed with my time of 4:16. On reflection this is 20 minutes faster than last year and is faster than the previous marathon.

There is normally two or three weeks rest between, but not this time. Next stop Nottingham – in 7 days.
