Can i start again?

Less than one minute read time.

I have to own up, I have not been running and have been in party mode drinking too many beers for someone who is meant to be training for my biggest ever running challenge.

This needs to be rectified or i am never going to make the start line let alone complete a course of 50+ miles. I struggled with the Sussex marathon following inadequate training and know that a longer distance would be impossible.

Therfore it is time to pull on the shoes, pick a playlist and hit the road running, and maintain it this time.

The next update will have details of runs completed and miles in the bank or this challenge will be all over before it starts. I am fortunate that i can delay my comitment to a challenge, for many this is not an option and i will try harder.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Keeno,

    We are all allowed a break now and again. Otherwise you would be gettin legs and ligament trouble. Gently gently catchy monkey.  All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.