My Breast Cancer Experience

  • My Chemo Diary

    Thursday. FEC - 23rd Feb 2017 9.30am day 1

    Cried a lot!

    During chemo - felt prickles down below with steroids or anti sickness IV med not sure which. Felt cold and used small electric blanket on the arm where the meds were going in. Felt drunk with one of the chemo drugs, to the point Mark said I was slightly louder in conversation than I had been during other drugs. Left hospital with lots of meds from pharmacy.…

  • Part Four - Got the Blues

    6th December 2017 attended hospital access lounge in preparation for surgery. I think we got there around 9.30am. Booked in and then sent to the breast clinic. I left my bags in the access lounge. I wasn't allowed to eat after 7am and then only sips of water until 11am, then nothing at all.

    At breast clinic, the radiologist used ultrasound to locate my lump, numbed my breast, and then guided a wire…
  • Part Three - The Word

    25th November 2016. Hospital appointment for results of biopsy. At this point I was still going to work amongst the appointments and the worrying. I'd told my kids there was something wrong and that these appointments were to find out what it was. 

    I waited around thirty or forty minutes in the waiting room with my partner trying to control the panic inside, because although I KNEW there was something not good…

  • Part Two - Getting Real

    On 10th November I went to my GP. She examined my breasts and wasn't happy with the skin texture which she referred to as tethering. She referred me to the breast clinic, as she said, under the 'two week rule'. I was extremely surprised to come home to a letter the next day asking me to attend the breast clinic the following Monday 14th November.  During the GP appointment I discussed the fact that three years previous…

  • Part One - Getting on the rollercoaster!

    I'm 47 years old. I have three children aged 24, 22 and 14. The youngest two still live at home. I also live with my partner of ten years Mark, who moved in with us around a year ago.

    In January 2016 I was successful in gaining a promotion, and a company car. I'd shied away from applying for the promotion for several years but felt like it was now the right time. During 2016 I had spent my time applying myself…