My Chemo Diary

8 minute read time.

Thursday. FEC - 23rd Feb 2017 9.30am day 1

Cried a lot!

During chemo - felt prickles down below with steroids or anti sickness IV med not sure which. Felt cold and used small electric blanket on the arm where the meds were going in. Felt drunk with one of the chemo drugs, to the point Mark said I was slightly louder in conversation than I had been during other drugs. Left hospital with lots of meds from pharmacy. Felt slightly out of body, floaty, and queasy all afternoon with a bit of a headache. Had a bacon bun. Tasted good. Had a bag of cadbury mini eggs, didn't quite taste right. Drank water for England! Really thirsty. Took primary anti sickness tablet early around 3pm then took a further back up tablet at around 5pm. Nausea still rising but not been sick. Called emergency number to ask how much anti sickness to take, they said if I continue to be nauseated they'd send me in to hospital for IV anti sickness. Felt a bit panicky about potentially vomiting. Did NOT want to stay in hospital at the first hurdle. On that note, went to bed at around 6pm. Took anti-constipation drink and further anti -sickness primary tablet later on and slept for perhaps two hours at a time.

Friday day 2

Felt ok all day, slight headache, floaty, became v tired at lunchtime. Had all steroids etc. Tried a few foods, yoghurt not as strong flavour as it normally is. Bacon, couldn't taste it! Pizza, really tasted mostly of the herb that is in the sauce which I can't remember the name of. (Edit: oregano -chemo brain?) Digestives, strawberries, all ok. Tried a can of lager, which is my normal drink, was ok taste wise but I didn't want any more. Couldn't work out what Mark was asking when he was looking for keys. Chemo brain? Or just preoccupied? 

Saturday day 3

Got up ok, had all meds as usual but decided to miss out the anti-constipation morning drink as I didn't feel like I needed it, hopefully don't regret! Had my filigrastin injection also. Not as bad for me as I thought it would be, but feel for poor Mark having to do it for me. It isn't something he finds easy so am really appreciative and proud of him. I'm not an easy patient. Not sure if it's a build up of steroids or result of filigrastin, but babbled for England non stop talking which made everyone laugh. Tried to tell Mark to smell something, and asked him to read it, again not sure chemo brain or what? Tired at lunch time again. Legs a bit tingly and feel a bit dizzy. Fancied a can of lager late on. Didn't taste right, didn't enjoy it, might not bother again. Cold ish all day. Temp ok at 35.5 approx but thats a full degree below my usual before chemo. Not sure if mouth sore but skin inside lip peeling a little, must not bite at it and make sore!

Sunday day 4

Got up with dogs, far too tired. Mouth still strange. Brushed teeth and used mouthwash. Skin in mouth stopped peeling in direct proportion to me stopping biting it! No drinks taste good. Tried tea, cranberry, Pepsi, water. All rubbish. Feel a little sick. No energy at all. Waiting for the rest of the house to get up then can have my filigrastin injection. Had that, then pains in hip, leg, groin, back to hip. Not severe but noticeable.

Monday day 5

Went to hospital for MRI. First time out in the fresh air. Scan had to be cancelled as I have metal in my implant. Went shopping, think Mark forgot I'm having chemo! Had to stop and explain several times why I couldn't keep up or why I couldn't remember what we needed. Very weary in body. Had macdonalds on way home praying it tasted ok. Hurray! Ate it so fast I was concerned people around might think I was starving literally.

Tuesday day 6

Went out in car to meet Mark's Mam. Walked for what seemed miles to a costa, had to hold on to Mark. Just couldn't make it. Felt much better after a wee and then something to eat. Concluding that fruit and fruit juices give me heartburn, and perhaps also fizzy drinks. So, so tired. Needing to lay down. Concluded that when I need to wee, I feel ill and begin to go dizzy.

Wednesday day 7

Bit more physically active but still needing rest periods throughout the day. Had cranberry juice, no obvious problem. Had strawberry yoghurt closely followed by Diet Coke and got heartburn. Not sure which caused it. Had steak and chips for tea which quashed the heartburn thank goodness.

Thursday day 8

Slept in late after Lucy went to school. Got up with quite a bit of energy although pain in both legs and one elbow. Had cranberry, heartburn looming. 

Friday day 9

Slept badly with leg pain. First day with no heartburn as a result of avoiding all fruit and fruit juice. Last injection of filigrastin. Constipation mild. 

Saturday day 10

Slept badly with leg pain. Took drink for constipation.  Had pain during toilet trip around rib cage back and front. Left with dull back pain where lungs are. Scared and panicky, started to think I'd have a heart attack for some reason. Lucy didn't feel well, said she had temp. Took temp, 37.1. Must monitor her and myself! Hadn't really made allowances for germs coming from family inside the house. 

Sunday day 11

Mark went out last night to watch boxing. Lucy's temp is hormonal thank god. Made Sunday dinner and generally ran around all day. Suffering a little from aches in boob and armpit but apart from that feel great. Fell asleep watching tv at 9pm.

Monday day 12

Went out in car to pick up a few bits. Felt very alive breathing in the fresh air. Worried in shops just in case I picked up any germs! Held my breath as I walked past people just in case. Got home in one piece and picked Lucy up from school. Felt on top form all day, laughing and joking. 

Tuesday day 13

Felt good all day and night.

Wednesday day 14

Felt good all day and night.

Baked banana bread, yum, and tried out making snacks in the actifry with chick peas and flavourings, Yuk! Had a glass of rose. Nice, but didn't want any more than one glass.

Thursday day 15

Ironed the backlog of clothes which had built up over the last few weeks while I've been recovering from surgery and chemo.

Hair started to fall out. Scalp was sore where I'd had hair tied back in a pony tail and also on top of my head. Had a bath and washed my hair and lots fell out. Now have a bit of a headache.

Friday day 16


I didn't continue this blog but through the FEC part of treatment continued to have one dodgy week and two good ones where by the time my next chemo was due, I was almost normal again.

Jump to T part of treatment

T minus one day

Went for my oncology appointment. Tearful, alone. Mark and I had had a row the day before. I was scared of T treatment and didn't want to move away from the routine I have created with FEC. Agreed that I needed something different to the filigrastin injections as these cause me anxiety before, during, and after having them. Prescribed a one off injection which is long lasting. Thank goodness.  Had bloods taken from my good arm against original instruction, but by advice from nurse consultant. 

T day 1 Thursday

A bit put out by having to sit in a room of other patients. I'm not a brilliant socialiser. Mark was there after we'd agreed that me full of chemicals was not the norm and any rows have possibly stemmed from this. Treatment left me flushed but no other noticeable effects.

T day 2 Friday

Went grocery shopping, then to my Macmillan craft group which I enjoy far more than you'd imagine. It's a little like being in this forum. We've all been there, some more than others. All breast cancer as well. Drove myself there and back. Found that one of the student nurses who sometimes pops along to join in is my over the road neighbour!

T day 3 Saturday

Started to feel tired and ill in the afternoon and pain in limbs. Mouth sore and stinging. Hot flushes. Went to bed 8:30pm

T day 4 Sunday

Made Sunday lunch. Felt on the verge of collapse most of the day. Pain in limbs growing. Mouth numb to hot or cold. Made a token effort to take painkillers but didn't seem to work so didn't bother again.

T day 5 Monday

Continued to feel ill, aching from top to toe. Temp raised in the morning and continued all day. Finally reached 38 in the evening and rang chemo emergency number. Admitted to hospital. Slept one hour at a time. Given ECG, chest x ray, IV antibiotics. Doctor came along. Said mouth looked dry, nothing in my throat.

T day 6 tuesday

Doctor came round, as I was unchanged apart from temp better, said I should remain in hospital another night. Oncology nurse came around and noted oral thrush unnoticed by other staff. Prescribed medication for this. Also advised correct method of pain relief. Take paracetamol, then ibuprofen two hours afterwards, then paras two hours after that to ensure a constant cover of pain relief. Do this as soon as pain starts and continue until pain is gone (this turned out to be several days). I had not taken anything as I had not wanted to mask any infection, but now realise that if I take temperature just before taking paracetamol I can see any high temp. Obviously keep within the guidelines of dosage for each i.e. 4 times in 24 hours etc. Nurses finally came with paracetamol and ibuprofen six hours later.

T day 7 Wednesday 

Medication finally given for oral thrush as I was leaving hospital after lunch! Did nothing at home

T day 8 Thursday 

Did nothing at home.

Continued to improve to the point I walked (wobbly) to corner shop on Saturday. Went out shopping on Sunday for several hours. Monday, stopped paracetamol ibuprofen regime. Thrush still lingering. Aches going, flushes remaining.
