"Don't apologise for worrying, everyone worries...." - Meet the Champs: KTatHome

2 minute read time.

 "Meet the Champs: KTatHome" written in white over a picture of a sunset

In last month’s ‘Meet the Champs’ you all met smrichie5 – our Mel Gibson ‘super-fan’ and Champ to the Anal cancer group. In this month’s edition you’ll meet KTatHome,  who you’ll find Champing our Melanoma group, supporting newbies to the site in New to the Community, as well as members in various other groups where she can offer some supportive words or a listening ear.

What a star!

“I was able to make a list of my worries, get that list down to bullet points and to set aside just a 10-minute period each day for looking at those worries, and the rest of the time just acknowledging them and putting them aside for that time.” 


  1. How long have you been using the Community, and what brought you here?

I had been given an incurable diagnosis of metastatic melanoma in July 2015, after looking at factual info online I wanted to see how real people were doing. I found it a boost to find someone who was at a 2-year stage on the same treatment, as I was told the average was 9 months.

  1. What’s been your Community highlight to date?

Jimmy’s Wellbeing Wednesday tips as they started when I was having another blip, and were just a great reminder to take care of yourself and enjoy life. Something more personal to me, when something I’ve posted to support someone seems to have made a difference.

  1. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

After changing to immunotherapy after a further spread I came out in an all body rash and I had to have a break in treatment. My oncologist said don’t worry about the break, concentrate on the fact that you’re feeling OK. It jogged me back, it’s what mindfulness is all about isn’t it, staying in the moment not worrying about what may happen.

  1. If you could offer one piece of advice to a Community newbie (patient, family member, friend or carer), what would it be?

Don’t apologise for worrying, everyone worries, but limit the amount of time you worry by finding out what works for you. (Here’s where I would put a link in to the many ideas, as no one size fits all).

  1. Who’s your hero and why?

My cousin Margaret, she always had room in her heart to help one more person, and then another one, and I admire how she found her peace before she passed away in May (her cancer diagnosis was in March).

  1. Tell us a random fact about yourself.

I enjoy the walking, catching, collecting and collaborating of PokémonGo. I am very nearly at level 40 (I might even have reached it when this is posted).

 Two pictures, on the left a a picture of KTatHome smiling in a field, and then a picture of a Pokemon Go creature.

In case any members or users of the Community weren't totally sure what a Community Champion is, our Champs are a group of dedicated Community members who've volunteered to keep an extra close eye on the site for us. Our Champs welcome new members to the Community, ensure they're comfortable using the site, offer fantastic support and show members in the direction of appropriate groups, and further support when it's needed.
