Cancer types forums

Group List

  • Secondary liver cancer forum

    Secondary liver cancer forum

    An online support group for people with secondary liver cancer (liver metastases, when cancer spreads to the liver from other parts of the body) and their loved ones. Join to meet others, share experiences & emotional support
    Last Activity:
    475 members
  • Secondary lung cancer forum

    Secondary lung cancer forum

    An online support group for people with secondary lung cancer (when cancer spreads to the lungs from other parts of the body) and their loved ones. Join to meet others, share experiences & emotional support, discuss cancer treatment & more
    Last Activity:
    240 members
  • Secondary lymph nodes cancer forum

    Secondary lymph nodes cancer forum

    A support group for people diagnosed with secondary lymph node cancer (primary cancer spread to the lymph nodes from other parts of the body) and their family members / loved ones. Join to share experiences & emotional support.
    Last Activity:
    282 members
  • Skin cancer forum

    Skin cancer forum

    A support group for people diagnosed with skin cancer (including basal cell carcinoma & squamous cell carcinoma), their family members & loved ones. Join this group to share experiences, emotional support, discuss treatment & side effects
    Last Activity:
    826 members
  • Soft tissue sarcomas forum

    Soft tissue sarcomas forum

    A cancer support group for people with a soft tissue sarcomas (cancer that develops from cells in the supporting tissues of the body) and their loved ones. Join this sarcoma support group to share experiences & emotional support.
    Last Activity:
    542 members
  • Spinal cord tumour forum

    Spinal cord tumour forum

    A cancer support group and online community for people with spinal cord tumours & their loved ones to share experiences & emotional support. Join to discuss treatment options, side effects & more
    Last Activity:
    87 members
  • Stomach cancer forum

    Stomach cancer forum

    A support group for people with stomach cancer & their loved ones to come together, share experiences, and ask questions. Includes adenocarcinoma and GISTs (gastrointestinal stromal tumours)
    Last Activity:
    599 members
  • T-cell lymphomas forum

    T-cell lymphomas forum

    A support group for people with T-cell lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and their loved ones. Join the group to share experiences & support, discuss cancer treatment options, side effects & more
    Last Activity:
    100 members