Cancer types forums

Group List

  • Penile cancer forum

    Penile cancer forum

    A cancer support group for people with penis (penile) cancer & their loved ones. Join the group to share experiences & emotional support, discuss treatment options, side effects & more
    Last Activity:
    83 members
  • Peritoneal cancer forum

    Peritoneal cancer forum

    A cancer support group for people with primary peritoneal cancer (cancer of the peritoneum) and their loved ones. Join the group to share experiences & emotional support, discuss treatment options, side effects & more
    Last Activity:
    229 members
  • Pituitary tumour forum

    Pituitary tumour forum

    A support group for people with a pituitary tumour & their loved ones. Pituitary gland tumours are a type of brain tumour and are usually benign (not cancer). Join the group to share experiences & emotional support
    Last Activity:
    54 members
  • Prostate cancer forum

    Prostate cancer forum

    A group for anyone affected by prostate cancer to share experiences and ask questions. Whether you or someone you know has been diagnosed, here you can discuss treatment options, side effects, prostatectomy and anything else that’s on your mind.
    Last Activity:
    3211 members
  • Pseudomyxoma peritonei forum

    Pseudomyxoma peritonei forum

    A cancer support group for people with Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP - a rare cancer which usually starts in the appendix) and their loved ones. Join this support community to share experiences & emotional support
    Last Activity:
    110 members
  • Secondary bone cancer forum

    Secondary bone cancer forum

    A cancer support group for people diagnosed with secondary bone cancer (cancer spread to the bone from other parts of the body) and their family members & loved ones. Join the group to share experiences & emotional support.
    Last Activity:
    431 members
  • Secondary brain cancer forum

    Secondary brain cancer forum

    A peer support group for people diagnosed with secondary brain cancer (cancer spread to the brain from other parts of the body) and their family members & loved ones. Join to meet others, share experiences & emotional support.
    Last Activity:
    243 members
  • Secondary breast cancer forum

    Secondary breast cancer forum

    An online support group for people with secondary breast cancer (metastatic breast cancer /advanced breast cancer) and their loved ones. Join to meet others, share experiences & emotional support
    Last Activity:
    1226 members