Uterine cancer after breast cancer

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  • 76 subscribers

Hi I was successfully treated for DCIS breast cancer 6 years ago (still all clear) but it’s now looking like I have uterine cancer of some sort. I just had hysteroscopy and awaiting biopsy results. This came about due to irregular and heavy bleeding and gaps in periods - I’m 48 and premenopausal.

i had an ultrasound just 9 months ago which was deemed fine but the way the doctors are talking now my situation isn’t sounding fine at all. I’m petrified this has spread as I just keep bleeding.

so essentially my brain is going crazy now and I’m struggling to comprehend I have a new cancer. I just feel like my life expectancy has shot forward dramatically.

I gather now that your chances of uterine cancer are increased following breast cancer which I hadn’t realised before. It would be good to know if anyone else has experienced something similar?

  • Hi Rosie75

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some bleeding and are having tests. It must be really hard to go through after your breast cancer. I hope that you do not have to wait too long to get the results from your hysteroscopy/biopsy.

    It is understandable for your brain to be going a bit crazy now and to face the possibility of another cancer would be overwhelming for most people. 

    So the positives- you were checked 9 months ago and were fine. So if there is something going on then it has only developed since then. And the main thing is that you have got checked out for the bleeding. You haven't left it- so well done. 

    There can be other reasons for such heavy bleeding and hyperplasia (thickened womb lining) can be more common after some breast cancer treatments. For eg; It can be caused by taking tamoxifen etc. As you are premenopausal the irregular bleeding may in part be due to that. 

    With such symptoms it is normal for the doctors to order the tests that you have had done as they need to rule out the most serious causes first. It may not be cancer, but if it is, the sooner it is found and the sooner it is treated, the better.

    I hope that you do not have to wait too long to get the biopsy results back- mine took around a week. In the meantime if talking things through would help, then please give the Support Line a call. The number is below.

    Hope this helps a bit 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane and thank you. Just having someone help me to rationalise my thought processes helps. I have another week to wait for results which feels like it will be a long one. Pretty sure my brain is causing physical side effects to add to the stresses so aiming to keep busy and distract as much as possible.

  • Yes, sometimes it helps to write it down. Keeping busy can help. I remember noticing every little feeling in my body, while waiting and I am sure a lot was the worry. I hope that you do not have to wait too long, in the meantime we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Rosie,I am one of the class of 2017who still keeps an eye on this forum.My cancers happened the other way around to yours.Diagnosed with Serious Papillary in 2017; hysterectomy no further treatment.2021 on my 77fh birthday diagnosed triple negative breast cancer had mastectomy,no further trement,it would seem more common than I knew as I have spoken to a few woman with the same double diagnosis..Onwards and upwards is the way to go,hope you have good results.x

    1. Stargazy
  • Thank you. Never wishing it on others but it does help to hear of people surviving similar diagnosis. Thanks for sharing.