How long is too long

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  • 80 subscribers

Hi. Me again just needing to put the latest worry out of my head.  First symptom I had was back in summer last year.  thought I had a watery discharge then decided this was a urine leak so contacted GP.  That led to several weeks of mucking about with pessary because she said I had a mild prolapse.  The pessary being put in and out wasn’t pleasant and there was a little blood but GP said it would be because of the fitting/removal etc of the pessary.  Made sense although I didn’t like it.  Next stage was GP saying she thought it was my bladder that was causing the pink on loo roll when I peed.  I was referred to urology for cystoscopy   this was clear and a CT was arranged to check my kidneys just in case.  CT was done in December and kidneys were clear but lining of uterus was 15mm.  i was referred to gynae and then got the bad news a couple of weeks ago that cells in the lining were cancerous (still hate typing that word). Anyway, I’m now worried that this delay of 6 or 7 months will not be good.  I know that the earlier you get something the more chance of a cure there is.  Did anyone else have any delays?  lots of the posts on here seem to show that people go straight away and get things checked.  My scans ore on Monday and I’m terrified.  Trying so hard to stay positive 

  • As far as I understand the POLE mutation test is done by most hospitals but it does sometimes depend on the hospital’s funding. It is a very recent discovery and doctors are still gathering information about it. There are clinical trials being done worldwide but it is still very new. When my histology was done they didn’t know what grade I was as my biopsies did not show any cancerous cells so it wasn’t done because I was a higher grade. I was stage 1b grade 2. When I spoke to my oncologist in December he gave the percentages B74 mentioned. He also said if I had been a higher stage they would probably have recommended adjuvant treatment as it’s still a grey area in terms of up to date research.


  • I was provisionally grade 2 but post op grade 3 so I imagine I was tested, thank you for the info I will ask on my next visit.

  • Thank you for this info, adjuvant treatment has been recommended but it will be interesting to find out it I was tested. Will definitely ask at next visit.