laparoscopic hysterectomy with bso 2 days ago

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  • 87 subscribers


I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy with bso 3 days ago.

Day 1 was really painful with bad trapped gas and struggling to move. Today the gas is slowly passing but I'm feeling very fed up with myself. I'm feeling frustrated with not being able to do anything and getting fed up of sitting/laying around. I'm having little walks but just want to get back to normal. 

I'm also struggling with my emotions. I've been prescribed oestrogel but not sure if this helps straight away or if it takes time to build up in your system. I keep going really hot for periods of time with a burning face then it setties down again. 

My anxiety is not great either. Biopsies were taken after the operation and so now I'm waiting for results which could take weeks. I had the operation due to thickened endometrium and unsuccessful previous biopsies. 

I'm just looking for some support from others that have been through this. 

  • Hi 1ness

    I had that op October and I felt incredibly frustrated and it felt like forever, but it really didn't take too.long to be doing more. I am.still.siffering.with the hot flushes, I don't know how how you are (I am 49 and had not started any kind of menopausal symptoms before the surgery). I would be interested to know if the oestrogel helps as I have not had.anything (as they suspect my cancer was due to Lynch Syndrome which hormones could cause a recurrence).  You will get back to normal, just try to listen to your body and not overdo things.

    • Thanks for your reply B74. I am also 49.  
  • Crap isn't it....

  • Hi 1Ness, well done for having had your op - for me I found I felt a little bit better every day, so my recovery was gradual, not all at once. It’s great that you’re having little walks - my goal from day 2 was 5 mins twice a day and I found that really helped in many ways, including my mental health. On my walks I tried to practice mindfulness too - looking at people’s gardens, birds, winter flowers and foliage  (I had my op in Jan 2021). I was fortunate in that I didn’t have any trapped wind which surprised me as I did when I had a c section in 1989. I’d encourage you to keep up the walks, and things will probably get easier once you’ve had a poo - for me that was day 4 without any laxatives but having eaten plenty of fruit and very few starchy carbs. What is it that you want to do but feel you can’t? I didn’t like not being able to have a bath! I grudgingly had a shower on day 3 to wash the pinky peachy stuff from my stomach and under my boobs, and to wash my hair, which helped! Hoping you do indeed feel a little better each day too.

  • Hi !ness

    The first few days can be like this but it won't last forever. It is frustrating when you can't yet do a lot, especially if you are normally fit and active. With the gas, I found that is did start to pass about the same time as you and with each day where I could walk a bit more, it eased. It's hard to believe that something as simple as a bit of gas can make you feel so uncomfortable.

    It is also I feel normal to feel like your emotions are a bit all over the place. I wonder myself if part of that was due to the anaesthetic meds as well as the relief that the surgery is done. I did also find there were times where I would have some flushes, but these did very quickly settle. I personally felt a bit better after a cooler shower and a chance to wash my hair etc. 

    Its understandable to feel anxious about the post op pathology, mine came back at around 3 1/2 weeks but I did chase it up in the end. The waiting is hard and we all understand that as we have also had that tough waiting period.

    I hope that you feel a bit brighter this am- I did find day to day I did improve quite quickly after the first 48 hours. What did it for me was a short walk outside- nature always helps and that first shower and hair wash. For the first couple of days I was very much in jammies and getting dressed properly- although in loose comfy clothes helped. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you. That's a great question. I really don't know what I want to do. I think it's just the fact I can't really do anything. I'm going to keep walking and the mindfulness is a great idea. 

    • Thank you Jane. The pain has subsided a bit today. I'm just tired. 
  • I remember the tiredness and its not only the physical I think but the emotional. Its a big thing to have surgery. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Ness1, is it tiredness that’s making you feel like you can’t do anything at the moment? What would you normally be doing?