Struggling after hysterectomy

  • 4 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello, I am day 4 post op robot assisted  laparascopic hysterectomy for suspected endometrial stromal tumour. Everything removed , cervix, uterus, tubes , ovaries. Feel massive like a  bouncy Castle but no fun. Pain not too bad just feel uncomfortable and like I can feel every bit of wind and bladder seems to be acting up. It’s 130 in the morning and I feel like I need to wee even though I’ve just had a wee. Feel like an emotional wreck , miserable snotty ugly crying. Didn’t think I would feel this bad Disappointed relieved

Will phone ward tomorrow for advice Thanks for reading x

  • Hi Loopylouhd, well done for having had your op. Bless you for feeling rough! Definitely phone the ward (probably could have phoned tonight - mine told me I could call 24/7) - your bladder may be a bit sensitive post op or you might have cystitis or an infection. So it’s worth getting some advice. Hope you feel better soon. 

  • Hi Looplouhd

    I am sorry that you are feeling rough. Did you manage to phone your ward for some advice? If not, please do give them a call and get some reassurance. Mine never minded me contacting them.

    The wind can be uncomfortable and I found that it took a few days to go but once I started eating and moving around a bit it did start to go. I also tried peppermint tea, on advice from others. 

    I did have some discomfort around my bladder and did go more often for a few days. It is understandable to have some discomfort as the surgeon has had a good rummage around inside to remove the cancer and there is likely to be some bruising/tenderness etc. It is worth talking to your ward about the bladder though and explaining it just in case you need to be checked for a UTI. I believe that after having a catheter it can happen. It was something I was warned about. 

    With your ward- you can normally call them 24/7 so never wait feeling uncomfortable and miserable. They would not want that. 

    Hope you are feeling a bit more comfortable this am and please let us know how you are getting on.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I phoned ward. They don’t think I have an infection . I have felt a bit better today , finding it hard to sleep x