Grade 3 Endometrial Cancer

  • 31 replies
  • 90 subscribers


I was given the diagnoses of Grade 3 Endometrial Cancer on the 28th which was a shock. 

I reported intermittent pink discharge to my doc middle of October. They referred me for an ultrasound which picked up a 1.5 cm polyp. 

The biopsy couldn’t be done as I found it too painful/uncomfortable and so a general anaesthetic was organised to remove it on 8th Dec. At this point my gynae said it didn’t look worrying but he’ll send it off to be tested anyway. 

28th December received a phone call to attend an urgent appointment same day, plus another one this coming week for an MRI. I was told it was a grade 3 cancer. I don’t know what type. The MRI is to see if it’s spread. 

My Gynae told me I’ll need hysterectomy. 

I’m very scared by all this especially since I’ve ignored bladder symptoms of occasional bleeding in urine and problems with flow of urine. 

To make matters more complicated I was put on a vpap ventilator at night for my lungs in the Summer, my SPO2 levels are extremely low night and day.

I get pain in my lungs and the area where my liver is.

I’m very very scared. 

I’m on my own with all of this. No family around or anyone for that matter. I’ve got to organise all of this and the recovery as well as organising where my beloved dog stays while I’m getting better. 

  • Hi EndoCanc. I am sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with grade 3 endometrial cancer. I had a similar diagnosis in July 2022 and subsequently had a hysterectomy followed by brachytherapy, a form of radiotherapy. I'm now on regular check ups. It is a shock and it's understandable that there are all sorts of worries and thoughts going through your mind, especially when you have other health issues. Once you've had your scans you should get an appointment about your treatment plan and an indication of the stage of the cancer. If you haven't already done so, you should  be given details of your Cancer Nurse Specialist (CNS) who you can contact about any concerns or questions you may have. It might be worth jotting down a list of your concerns in preparation of your next appointment as I often thought after my appointments 'I wish I'd asked about that'! The waiting for results and not knowing exactly what and when things will be happening is the most difficult part. Once you do know, hopefully you will feel less anxious. There is a section on this website called 'Ask an Expert' where you can seek help and support from advisers about treatment, emotional and practical issues. There are also several ladies on this group who've had a grade 3 diagnosis who will be able to share their experiences with you. Try not to look too far ahead at this stage, concentrate on getting your scan done and the subsequent results. Once you have these, then concentrate on the next step, preparing for your  treatment. Take care and let us know how you get on. x

  • Hello Endocanc

    I was diagnosed like yourself in December 2021 with a thick womb lining and a polyp which turned out to have Grade 3 Serous cancer. 

    Once diagnosed it all moved very quickly with bloods, CT & MRI Scans, followed by hysterectomy in January 2022. If you click on my username, you can read my bio.

    It's very scary and overwhelming at first, but you've done good by joining this group where you'll find lots of support and virtual hugs when you need them. Many ladies are on here with exactly the same diagnosis like yourself, including me, 2 years on now and I'm fine and back to normal.

    The only advice I can give at the moment (as you've mentioned you are on your own) is try planning ahead as much as you can for after the hysterectomy, get some extra meals prepared and freeze for when you've returned from hospital. Stock up on shopping items that keep and items heavy to carry so you don't overdo it. You may not be able to drive for around 6 weeks (if youve a car). Get the laundry up to date and house cleaned top to bottom as you won't be doing any housework for few weeks! Arrange a friend or neighbours? To take care of dog for the time whilst you are away in hospital and maybe ask if they're willing to take dog for walk whilst you recover in early days....?

    These are the main things I can think of at the moment, things will move fast from now on, so some planning needs to be done to stop yourself getting stressed. I've never had a major surgery before but was surprised how weak, at first I felt, my doctors warned me not to even pick up a kettle after surgery and mentioned that maybe 2 weeks after surgery I would be able to make myself tea and toast on my own. It's important to listen to advice.

    Feel free to ask anything, there's lots of info from what to pack in your overnight bag to day to day diary from operation onwards if you would like we can include a link. 

    Hope all goes well and best wishes x

  • Hello EndoCanc

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group.

    I am so sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of grade 3 endometrial cancer. I remember myself what a shock it was and you can go through such a range of emotions. I was also grade 3. 

    It is understandable to feel scared and anxious and have lots of questions.

    I will pop a link here to some information that I found helpful.

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    Hopefully you should have your scans very soon and from these they will give an idea of the stage of the cancer. The grade and stage is given provisionally before the hysterectomy and then after is confirmed. Sometimes it can change. 

    My hysterectomy happened 4 weeks after my bleed and it was done via keyhole. The surgery was straightforward and I recovered well from it. There was little pain and it was a case of taking things easy for a few weeks. 

    Once you have had your scans it is likely that you will be called in to discuss treatment details and you should be given a CNS (if you don't already have one) This will be a specialist nurse who will be your first port of call for any questions and who will be able to offer support. 

    I found once I had a provisional diagnosis I did tend to worry about any niggle/symptom and it is certainly natural to attribute this to the cancer having spread but with me - I did have some bladder frequency and discomfort in my abdomen (particularly around 2 weeks before surgery) and my CNS attributed this to my womb being sort of irritated by the cancer and all the anxiety around what was happening. Try not to worry to much at this stage. You have done the right thing in getting symptoms checked and when the scans have been done you should be much more aware of what the next steps are. I know that once I knew, I just wanted to get the surgery done and it was hard waiting for anything and the more I waited, the more I worried. 

    Do not be afraid to share any worries on here or to ask any questions- there are a lovely bunch of ladies on here who do understand as we have all been there. 

    If you click on my name, my profile will come up and will show you my journey. Any questions, do ask. 

    I totally understand your worries about your dog. If it helps I was only in hospital for 1 night and that does seem to be the norm. When you have your appointment they will talk you through in detail about your hysterectomy so should be able to confirm. I know I was worried about my cats but in a way, they helped my recovery. 

    Here is a link with some info about pets in case it helps.

    Pet care when you have cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    If at any point you feel talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The details are at the end of this and they are really supportive on there.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Mad, 

    I really appreciate the reply and the further information, thanks so much. 

    It was all solid advice and I’ve already started pre planning for this. 

    I had the MRi today. Not sure why, but the Gynae requested not only it be done for the pelvis but the kidneys too.

    Results of that are 3-5 days. 

    Thanks again


  • Hello Jane, 

    I really appreciate the reply and the further information, thanks so much. 

    It was all solid advice and I’ve already started pre planning for this. 

    I had the MRi today. Not sure why, but the Gynae requested not only it be done for the pelvis but the kidneys too.

    Results of that are 3-5 days. 

    Thanks again


  • Hello SH,

    I really appreciate the reply and the further information, thanks so much. 

    It was all solid advice and I’ve already started pre planning for this. 

    I had the MRi today. Not sure why, but the Gynae requested not only it be done for the pelvis but the kidneys too.

    Results of that are 3-5 days. 

    Thanks again


  • Hi Catherine

    I hope that the results come back quickly and are good. 

    I would imagine that the kidney area was being checked to rule out any issues around your bladder symptoms. It would be sensible I would think to scan them while you are having the pelvic area done so you do not at a later date need a separate one. I would not worry about it too much at this stage but if it does flag anything up then talk it through with your CNS. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello EndoCanc, I feel for you because you’ve got so much going on, your head must be spinning, and to top it all you’re worried about your lovely dog. Which area do you live? I am a responsible and compassionate dog lover (but I currently don’t have a dog myself) and if it helps I could look after your dog while you recover. Please let me know if you need any help. Julia x

  • Have you had your mri yet and feeling better 

  • Hello, yes, I’ve had the MRI and they’ve subsequently requested a CT scan of lungs stomach and pelvis which I’m having today.