Cancer of the Uterus

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  • 85 subscribers

I went to.the hospital yesterday to have an internal scan and was told the lining of my uterus is very thick and in all probability have cancer, which would mean having a hysterectomy.  

I'm now waiting for an urgent biopsy do be done under anaesthetic because I found it too painful to be done yesterday.

I'm 68 and a couple of weeks ago had a brown discharge followed by blood in my urine on a daily basis.

It's the fear of the unknown when you hear the word 'cancer'

Thinking of you all as it's a very anxious time but trying to stay positive.

  • Hello enuff_sed

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that an internal scan yesterday showed hyperplasia and that they feel this is probably cancer. I can remember how scary I found it at the time. Only the biopsy will be able to tell you for sure and I hope that you do not have to wait too long to have it done. I remember just wanting answers and to know for sure. The waiting and not knowing I found harder than the actual diagnosis and once I knew what I was dealing with and what I needed to do treatment wise, I did feel a bit more like things were under control.

    If you click on my name, my profile will come up but I had endometrial cancer in April 2022. I had surgery 4 weeks after the initial bleeding that caused me to go to the hospital. The hysterectomy was done by key hole surgery and I found it pretty straightforward, I had very little pain and recovered well. 

    I agree it is the fear of the unknown when you hear the word cancer and that is where we can support you on the Community. There are many lovely ladies on here at different stages in their journeys who will understand where you are now at and will be able to offer support. If there is anything you want to ask, please do so.

    If talking things through with someone would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The details are at the end of this and they are lovely on there. Hopefully you will have your biopsy shortly and will find out for sure quickly, and once you know for sure things will hopefully move forward quickly for you. In the mean time- we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm