
  • 3 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi there, has anybody here had an abdominal hysterectomy? I ask because I’m just curious about whether they shave your bikini line. If so, I might ask for a short back and sides!! Also, how long were you in hospital for? I’m booked for the 20th and just wanted some sort of idea really. TIA x

  • Hi Blenkinsop, I had laparoscopic surgery - I shave there anyway so just did mine a week before as I was told not to do it just before because of the risk of having any nicks there pre op. How long you’re in for depends on whether you’re having laparoscopic, robotic or abdominal/open surgery. I had laparoscopic and was in for just one night. Some hospitals do home same day for laparoscopic.

  • Hi Blenkinsop.

    I had an abdominal hysterectomy 4 months ago now, my incision was from my belly button down to just above my bikini line so no there was no need for a shave for me. I imagine It depends on how you feel after your op when you go home.  I had mine on the Thursday and was home Sunday. They like to see you mobile before they let you home and you will find all being well they will probably have you out of bed the day after your op for a slow stroll down the corridor. Take care and wishing you all the best for the 20th. 

  • Hi Blenkinsop
    I am 3 weeks post abdominal hysterectomy with an up and down incision which went from above my belly button into my pubes. Like MarmiteFan59 I was told not to shave pre-op, but was shaved in surgery.
    Post op I was aware that my dressing was stuck onto my shaved pubes so was expecting a waxing like experience at dressing change - but fear not! It was actually very gentle. I had 2 different manufacturers' dressings and they were both equally painless.
    I was an inpatient for 5 days (4 nights post op) but I think I had a bigger than normal surgery - 41/2 hours!
    As I said, I am 22 days post-op and doing well. For me the worst things have been a) the fatigue b) the nightly Fragmin jabs c) the discomfort of wind etc moving round my gut .
    Everyone is different though.
    If you're anything like me I was desperate to communicate with anyone that had had a lateral abdominal hysterectomy (with all the trimmings!). if you want, I think you can befriend me if you want to know anything you don't want to share in the group!