Precancerous cells in polyp

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I have been reading the posts on this forum for a while to try to make sense of my symptoms. 

  • Bella, I also had precancerous cells in a polyp diagnosed in September 2022. I had a small amount watery light orange discharge off and on for several weeks. I saw a private GYN I had seen previously who did a vaginal ultrasound which showed thickening in the uterus and a polyp. Hysteroscopy and D&C a week later under anesthesia.   The diagnosis was a small benign polyp, a larger polyp with atypical hyperplasia, and an endometrium with no suspicious cells.  I had 2 previous hysteroscopies with polyp removal in 2015 &16 both were benign. 

    I was advised at hysteroscopy they cannot check the entire uterus and small areas of suspicious cells could be missed.  The incidence of endometrial cancer with a post-menopausal precancerous polyp can be as high as 40%.  My choices were laparoscopic hysterectomy including cervix, ovaries and tubes or repeat vaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy every 3-6 months as a follow-up. 

    I chose to proceed with laparoscopic hysterectomy on Jan 24, 2023, and am 6 weeks post-op.  Other than severe menstrual-like cramping the day of surgery and sore for a few days after,  it has been relatively easy compared to my C/Sections of past. I was out with friends for coffee a week later.

    Fortunately, my post-op histology was atypical endometrial hyperplasia. No cancer. Having had 3 previous hysteroscopies for spotting I am happy not to have the worry and fear of what the next exam would bring. 

  • Hi I know this post is a few months old but I see Hatchjd was in a similar position to what I find myself in.

    can I just ask if the 3 month wait for your hysterectomy was a clinical decision or a request from yourself?

    we are hoping to take our grandchildren to Corfu in august, it’s all paid for…the doctor at my results appointment yesterday said I’d probably be waiting around a month before mine..I asked if it was possible to postpone till August, she wasn’t sure and was going to ask the consultant..

    were you offered any medication for the time from diagnosis up until your hysterectomy? 

    As much as I want everything over and done with our grandchildren are so excited to be going abroad for the first time..

    hope you are now back to normal now and fully recovered.

  • I had the hysteroscopy in Sept 2022 and the results in Oct 2022. I was informed that there was a 40% chance of  endometrial cancer associated with atypical polyps. A hysterectomy was advised. I chose to wait until January as I already had plans to visit Italy for my grandson's 1st birhtday in November and then USA in December for my other grandson's 3rd birthday. I had missed other birthdays and Christmas with them due to pandemic restrictions.

    My reasoning was, if I had surgery in October and cancer was found, further treatment would follow and I would miss both these occasions. Also it is difficult to get travel insurance, especially for the USA when under going any kind of medical treament and would not have been able to travel again for several months. 

    It is your choice to wait as long as you have been made aware of the risks involved. 

  • I was not offered any medication but the atypical cells were only found in the polyp, a D&C done at the same time in September did not show any uterine atypia although this was final diagnosis after the hysterectomy.   I would ask if scheduling for August soon after your return is an option, it may depend on how your health system schedules work. 

    My surgery was laprascopic hysterectomy, it was straightforward under general,  I stayed overnight. and had 4 tiny incisions with very little bleeding. I had heavy period type cramping for the first 6-8 hours but after some pain pills and a heat pack, felt much better. I took co-codamol  for a couple of days after that and was out for coffee with friends on post op day 4.  Having had 2 c/sections and an abdominal surgery before, this was the easiest of all. I am 65 and have not noticed any hormonal changes or feel any different than pre op.  I am relieved not to worry about more bleeding, polyps, hysteroscopies or pap smears. 

  • Hi, yes I’ve asked about august, the Secretary is going to ask consultant and get back to previous (2019) PMB the results were normal for womb biopsy and polyps normal too, this time womb biopsy was normal but precancerous cells found in polyp biopsy.  I have asked them to whip everything out, my reproductive organs have been a pain in the backside my whole adult life, I will be glad to see the back of them! I am worried about the op because I’m fat, very fat, but the doctor didn’t seem to be too bothered about that, I’m sure my blood test will show T2 diabetes though going by my finger prick testing, I’m hoping that if the op can be done in august that might give me time to lose some weight and get my blood sugars down too…

    thanks for getting back to me x

  • Hi, thank you for sharing your posts and wishing you all the best with your surgery.       . 

     I haven’t had any further treatment so far. I’ve not started the menopause so I think the risk of atypical cells turning is lower. The MRI report said that if cancer was proven it would be graded 1a. It also showed severe adenomyosis which I think explains symptoms. Due to endometriosis a hysterectomy runs the risk of a stoma. As it turned out the hysterectomy was cancelled because of the doctors’ strike so decided to go with a hysteroscopy to remove polyp and a coil fitted. Not sure if this is the right thing to do but from what I have researched it can reverse atypical cells.  The problem is getting appointments. I was told that I would need 3 monthly biopsies back in October but haven’t had any yet. Having chased this I have managed to get an appointment this weekend for  polyp removal, biopsy and coil. 

    I think the system is so under pressure at the moment that it’s worth chasing appointments and results.

    Take care x

  • Good luck with your appointment at the weekend x

  • I’m now getting stressed as I didn’t know there was such a high chance of cancer being found following the hysterectomy, 40% is really high…I have all the pre cursors as well, very overweight, PCOS, high BP and most likely diabetes…I don’t think there is a very good chance of me avoiding it…would it likely be early stage if cancer is found? I’m really getting panicky 

  • My impression from the discussion with my doctor pre-op was if cancer was found it would be at an early stage (being it was atypical cells and not cancer found in the polyp) and that hysterectomy would be the recomended treatment for either.  There is a 60% chance it will not be cancer. 

  • Thank you, that’s made me feel a bit better, I know I have to keep thinking about the 60% rather than the 40%