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Hello - 71 and facing this. I am a widow living on my own. 

seems that I am not the only one whose polyp turned out to be cancerous. I had hysteroscopy in mid December and then was called in for MRI on 30th December. I was called on Monday to come in today to meet with consultant. I pretty much expected that it would be bad news.

was told that it has spread to the mouth of the womb and is considered Stage 3. My bowels area okay. Now that the diagnosis has been given I am to see the Oncology department at large university hospital in nearby city. They do all the radiotherapy for our NHS trust. Apparently they will discuss whether I will have a hysterectomy on its own, radiotherapy on its own or both.

Having had a lot of anxiety at least I now know,. Also, analysis showed that I had the genetic markers. Not surprised as my Mum died 20 years ago from same. She didn’t seek treatment due to her fear of being examined until the point came where it had spread far and wide. Her death meant that when I noticed a little blood I contacted my GP right away.