Surgery done and home.

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Hi ladies, hope your are doing well. I got my hysterectomy on Tuesday, it was robotic surgery and I got out yesterday. All went well and I’m feeling fantastic. What a wonderful NHS we have I can’t thank them enough for all they have done nor me. I’ve updated my profile if anyone is

  • All done now Hawthorn, Congratulations its such a relief when the operation is over. Rest up and take care to listen to your body.

    Big hugs 

    Robin xxx

  • Hi Hawthorn,

    Very well done! So pleased to hear that you’re home.

    Reading your update, we have very similar experiences. I too was given both epidural as well as general anaesthetic. Like you, I was given anti clot injections which I have to do for 28 days. However, no compression socks but hospitals have different approaches and procedures and we are all different.

    If you don’t mind, may I ask whether you experienced any soreness on your left buttock? Mine has settled down a bit but it’s still tender to the touch. It’s now 2 weeks since my op.

    You take care and take things easy. And like everyone says, listen to your body. Rest when it tells you to. 

    Big hugs

    Gemma Xx

  • Thank you Robin,I am on a high can’t believe my operation is over and I’m feeling so good. Trying not to think about the results in two weeks time but I’ve this far I’m sure I can manage anything now Hope all goes well for you today. Xxx

  • Thats the right attitude to have. My robotic surgery was 6 weeks ago today and I sometimes forget I have had it done. My 5 little scars have healed lovely with the last of the stitches falling out last week. 

    So pleased it's over and your home safe and sound.

    Robin xx

  • Hi Gemma,I don’t have any pain on my buttock but I do on my right shoulder.The last two weeks I was getting a tugging in my groin area running down my inner thigh and I was so worried I phoned the cancer nurse and she said it was because the tumour was large and could be pressing on a nerve. I’m still occasionally getting the pain running down my inner thigh but not in my groin area. Give your nurse a phone Gemma and she’ll put your mind at rest. Have you to get any follow up treatment Gemma? Xxxx

  • When I think about how bad my mental health was when I was diagnosed to how I feel today ,I never thought I would feel normal again. I’ll never take life for granted again every day is a special day now. Look after yourself.Big hugs 

                  Jean xxx

  • That’s good news, all over and done with. So glad to hear you are doing well.  Remember to listen to your body, it’s easy to overdo it when you feel well.  I am 2 weeks post op and Im also feeling good,  I have to remind myself not to bend and lift things, there’s lots of healing going on inside. 

    I am waiting for results and next plan of action It’s scary but  we come through it all stronger and more positive   I echo your thoughts on our wonderful NHS    This group of lovely ladies were also a godsend to me and continue to be so  

    Take care and be kind to yourself    Big hugs  Maureen  x

  • Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate it. I have asked the nurse and she puts it down to some pain relief  or the hard operating table. It’s not too bad now I have to say. 
    Like Poppy, I’m still waiting to hear about my results. For now, just focusing on getting better. 
    Take care and try to occupy yourself by doing some of your favourite things- only the very light stuff though!

    Big hugs

    Gemma Xx

  • You’re right Maureen, it’s so easy to overdo things when you feel well. I have to keep reminding myself that.
    Hope we hear soon about our results and next plan of action.

    Take care and big hugs,

    Gemma Xx

  • Amazing to hear. I will be there exactly a week today - maybe even on the operating table right now! I'm starting to get really edgy!